How To Stop Being So Awkward



19 min, 13 sec

The video delves into the challenges of socializing, particularly for those on the autism spectrum, and offers strategies for engaging in conversations.


  • The speaker empathizes with the difficulty some people, especially those on the autism spectrum, have with socializing and initiating conversations.
  • An explanation is provided on how the brain can go blank during social interactions due to a lack of clear goals or the inability to operationalize tasks.
  • The speaker suggests that reframing the goal of a conversation can alleviate pressure and make socializing easier.
  • The concept of operationalizing tasks is introduced, explaining how the brain breaks down tasks into actionable steps.
  • Advice is given on how to interact with people as just humans, regardless of their gender, and to treat social interactions as brief, inconsequential moments.
  • The video touches on the impact of technology and gaming on our ability to socialize and perform open-ended problem solving.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Socialization Challenge

0:00 - 1 min, 17 sec

The speaker introduces the topic by empathizing with those who struggle to socialize and initiate conversations.

The speaker introduces the topic by empathizing with those who struggle to socialize and initiate conversations.

  • The speaker reads a message from someone who struggles with socialization and suspects it's partly due to being on the autism spectrum.
  • The individual describes feeling blank during conversations and having difficulty knowing how to contribute or predict reactions from others.
  • They also mention feeling like others may need to accommodate their 'strangeness' and their tendency to have a resting face that could be perceived as a glare.

Chapter 2

Operationalizing Social Interactions

2:10 - 1 min, 19 sec

The speaker explains the concept of operationalizing tasks and how it applies to social interactions.

The speaker explains the concept of operationalizing tasks and how it applies to social interactions.

  • Operationalizing is breaking down a complex task into individual components for execution.
  • The brain typically operationalizes tasks, but in social situations, some people's brains draw a blank due to unclear goals.
  • The speaker illustrates this with examples of children of different ages given the task of packing a bag, showing how the older child can operationalize while the younger cannot.

Chapter 3

Technology's Impact on Social Skills

4:14 - 1 min, 51 sec

The video addresses how technology and gaming have affected our capacity for open-ended problem solving and social interactions.

The video addresses how technology and gaming have affected our capacity for open-ended problem solving and social interactions.

  • Society's increasing reliance on technology has reduced the need for open-ended problem solving, as many tasks are now broken down for us.
  • Video games are highlighted as an example of close-ended problem solving, where the game provides all the components and goals.
  • The speaker discusses how platforms like Netflix and YouTube curate content for us, further reducing our need to make choices for ourselves.

Chapter 4

Reframing the Goal of Conversations

8:35 - 2 min, 25 sec

The speaker suggests changing the goal of conversations to make socializing less daunting.

The speaker suggests changing the goal of conversations to make socializing less daunting.

  • By changing the goal of an interaction in our minds, we can make the process less confusing and more manageable.
  • The speaker proposes a simple goal for social interactions: to briefly get to know the other person and decide if you want to interact with them further.
  • Another goal is to share a bit about oneself, without any pressure for the interaction to lead somewhere significant.

Chapter 5

The Insignificance of Gender in Conversations

15:04 - 1 min, 6 sec

The speaker emphasizes treating people as humans first, regardless of gender, during social interactions.

The speaker emphasizes treating people as humans first, regardless of gender, during social interactions.

  • A question from the audience about interacting with girls prompts the speaker to highlight that gender should not dictate how we interact with others.
  • The speaker advises treating people as humans first and not allowing gender to define the interaction.

Chapter 6

Social Interaction in the Digital Age

17:39 - 51 sec

The speaker discusses the paradox of increased opportunities for interaction in the digital age but a decrease in actual connections.

The speaker discusses the paradox of increased opportunities for interaction in the digital age but a decrease in actual connections.

  • Despite the abundance of opportunities to meet people online, it can feel harder to make meaningful connections.
  • The speaker points out that interactions on platforms like Discord can be easy and meaningful because there are no expectations.

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