How to stop your thoughts from controlling your life | Albert Hobohm | TEDxKTH

TEDx Talks

TEDx Talks

14 min, 59 sec

The speaker shares insights on thought control and its impact on life, drawing from personal experiences and meditation practices.


  • The speaker recounts a transformative experience at a Buddhist monastery, realizing the lack of control over his thoughts.
  • He introduces the concept that individuals can choose their thoughts and shape their lives.
  • Data on health and societal issues is presented to highlight the consequences of a stimulated lifestyle.
  • The speaker shares his personal struggles with addiction and loss, emphasizing the importance of thought control.
  • Two methods for thought control are proposed: meditation and restricting mental input from media and advertisements.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Monastery Experience

0:06 - 1 min, 41 sec

The speaker discusses the importance of thought control and shares a personal experience from a Thai monastery.

The speaker discusses the importance of thought control and shares a personal experience from a Thai monastery.

  • Questions the audience about the nature of their thoughts and their control over them.
  • Describes his stay at Suan Mokkh monastery in Thailand, including the Spartan living conditions.
  • Recounts a breakthrough in realizing the uncontrolled nature of his mind since childhood.

Chapter 2

Insights on Thought Control

1:47 - 1 min, 15 sec

The speaker explains the influence of a stimulated lifestyle on the mind and introduces the concept of choosing one's thoughts.

The speaker explains the influence of a stimulated lifestyle on the mind and introduces the concept of choosing one's thoughts.

  • Attributes an unsettled mind to a lifestyle of overstimulation.
  • Shares a story of Bjorn Linda Blood, a Swedish ex-monk, illustrating the profound insight gained from meditation.
  • Emphasizes the freedom to choose thoughts and construct life by design.

Chapter 3

Global Health and Societal Issues

3:03 - 2 min, 0 sec

The speaker presents alarming data on health and societal issues to underscore the impact of overstimulation.

The speaker presents alarming data on health and societal issues to underscore the impact of overstimulation.

  • Presents statistics on obesity, prescription medication for attention deficit disorders, and antidepressants.
  • Links these issues to his personal past experiences with addiction and loss.

Chapter 4

Stimulants and Thought Patterns

5:03 - 1 min, 5 sec

The speaker reflects on the role of stimulants in society and their influence on our thoughts and behaviors.

The speaker reflects on the role of stimulants in society and their influence on our thoughts and behaviors.

  • Discusses how society craves stimulants and the consequences of an overstimulated lifestyle.
  • Argues that stimulants have taken control over us, dictating our thoughts and actions.

Chapter 5

Taking Control of Thoughts

6:08 - 46 sec

The speaker discusses William James's philosophy and shares methods to gain control over one's thoughts.

The speaker discusses William James's philosophy and shares methods to gain control over one's thoughts.

  • Quotes William James on how thoughts shape perception and reality.
  • Advocates for taking responsibility for our thoughts to influence the world we live in.

Chapter 6

Meditation as a Method for Thought Control

6:53 - 1 min, 45 sec

The speaker describes meditation as a powerful tool for gaining insight into and control over one's thought patterns.

The speaker describes meditation as a powerful tool for gaining insight into and control over one's thought patterns.

  • Introduces meditation as a method to calm the mind and gain objective observation of thought patterns.
  • Explains the benefits of identifying and altering thought paths to choose constructive emotional states.

Chapter 7

Restricting Mental and Physical Input

8:38 - 2 min, 51 sec

The speaker stresses the importance of carefully selecting information inputs to maintain a healthy mental environment.

The speaker stresses the importance of carefully selecting information inputs to maintain a healthy mental environment.

  • Recommends being selective with media consumption to avoid 'mental obesity' and addiction.
  • Discusses the negative impacts of social media and advertisements on our thoughts and behaviors.

Chapter 8

The Need for An Upgraded Mindset

11:29 - 2 min, 30 sec

The speaker calls for an upgrade to our mental operating system to adapt to the modern world.

The speaker calls for an upgrade to our mental operating system to adapt to the modern world.

  • Argues that our mental operating system is obsolete and needs an upgrade for the current environment.
  • Encourages transitioning from 'smart monkeys' to 'conscious beings' by taking control of our thoughts.

Chapter 9

Closing Thoughts

14:00 - 46 sec

The speaker concludes by urging the audience to reflect on their stories and take control of their thoughts.

The speaker concludes by urging the audience to reflect on their stories and take control of their thoughts.

  • Asks the audience to consider their own stories and the importance of controlling their reactions to life events.
  • Emphasizes the responsibility of individuals to shape their thoughts and, by extension, the world.

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