I Pranked America's Most Racist Man

Niko Omilana

Niko Omilana

34 min, 56 sec

A detailed account of the creator's journey to Arkansas to explore the town's reputation for racism and his encounter with the KKK's leader.


  • The creator traveled to Harrison, Arkansas, reported to be the most racist town in America, to investigate its racist reputation.
  • Upon arrival, the creator faced challenges in transportation but eventually made it to Harrison, where he explored and interacted with the locals.
  • Interviews with residents revealed that while Harrison has a racist history, the racism attributed to the town is largely due to a KKK leader who resides nearby.
  • The creator successfully tricked the KKK leader, Thomas Robb, into giving an interview by pretending to be a BBC reporter.
  • During the interview, the creator subtly mocked the KKK leader and his views, ultimately revealing his true identity and the prank to the audience.

Chapter 1

Journey to America's 'Most Racist Town'

0:00 - 4 min, 24 sec

The creator decides to visit Harrison, Arkansas, to see if its reputation as America's most racist town is true.

The creator decides to visit Harrison, Arkansas, to see if its reputation as America's most racist town is true.

  • The creator sets out to investigate Harrison, Arkansas, after seeing videos online that label it as very racist.
  • Upon arrival, he faces transportation issues, but eventually gets a ride to Harrison.
  • He learns about the town's racist history through conversations with locals and witnesses racist propaganda.

Chapter 2

Exploring Harrison and Encountering Locals

4:24 - 3 min, 32 sec

The creator meets friendly locals and learns more about the town's current state and its infamous reputation.

The creator meets friendly locals and learns more about the town's current state and its infamous reputation.

  • The creator arrives in Harrison and begins exploring, finding the town quiet at night.
  • He meets a local named Richard who shares insights about the town and its racist notoriety being attributed to a KKK leader from a nearby town.

Chapter 3

Conversations Reveal More About the KKK Leader

7:55 - 4 min, 12 sec

The creator hears more about the KKK leader's influence on Harrison's reputation and the danger he represents.

The creator hears more about the KKK leader's influence on Harrison's reputation and the danger he represents.

  • Locals inform the creator that the KKK leader, responsible for the racist image of Harrison, actually resides in a nearby town called Zinc.
  • Residents stress the risks of visiting Zinc and encountering the KKK leader and his followers.

Chapter 4

Daytime Discoveries and Interviews

12:07 - 4 min, 58 sec

The creator spends a day in Harrison, interviewing more locals and experiencing the town's atmosphere.

The creator spends a day in Harrison, interviewing more locals and experiencing the town's atmosphere.

  • During the day, the creator speaks with more residents, who emphasize that the town itself is not racist, but the nearby presence of the KKK leader affects its image.
  • He also meets a group of kids playing basketball and has a friendly competition with them.

Chapter 5

Confronting the KKK

17:05 - 2 min, 40 sec

The creator decides to seek out the KKK leader and confront him about his influence on Harrison's racist reputation.

The creator decides to seek out the KKK leader and confront him about his influence on Harrison's racist reputation.

  • The creator, along with Richard, attempts to get an interview with the KKK leader by visiting his residence.
  • Initially turned away, the creator poses as a BBC reporter and secures an interview with Thomas Robb, the KKK leader.

Chapter 6

The Interview with the KKK Leader

19:46 - 15 min, 7 sec

The creator conducts a mock interview with the KKK leader, subtly trolling him and revealing his racist views.

The creator conducts a mock interview with the KKK leader, subtly trolling him and revealing his racist views.

  • Under the guise of the BBC, the creator interviews Thomas Robb, who asserts that the KKK is about preserving white heritage, not hate.
  • The creator gets Robb to inadvertently endorse supporters of the KKK from a fictitious town called Clapped.