If I Wanted to Become a Millionaire In 2024, This is What I'd Do [FULL BLUEPRINT]

Alex Hormozi

Alex Hormozi

63 min, 41 sec

A comprehensive guide explaining the steps and mindset required to become a millionaire.


  • Defines a millionaire and emphasizes the importance of net worth over income.
  • Discusses the difference between earning and owning your way to wealth, advocating for the latter as the faster path.
  • Advises against diversification early on, emphasizing focus on one income stream until it overflows before diversifying.
  • Walks through the importance of having a strong offer, advertising effectively, and setting proper goals.
  • Considers personal wealth enjoyment, the significance of reputation and brand, and the power of compounding.

Chapter 1

Understanding and Defining Wealth

0:01 - 40 sec

Explains what it means to be a millionaire and the basics of wealth creation.

Explains what it means to be a millionaire and the basics of wealth creation.

  • A millionaire is someone whose net worth, excluding their primary residence, exceeds one million dollars.
  • Net worth is calculated by subtracting liabilities from assets.
  • Provides example calculation of net worth based on home equity.

Chapter 2

Earning vs. Owning Your Way to Wealth

0:41 - 1 min, 4 sec

Differentiates between earning and owning your way to becoming a millionaire.

Differentiates between earning and owning your way to becoming a millionaire.

  • Earning your way to a million requires saving income after taxes over time, which can be slow.
  • Owning your way, such as through business or real estate, can be faster due to value appreciation and not impacted by personal expenses.

Chapter 3

Focusing on One Income Stream

3:31 - 1 min, 28 sec

Argues against early diversification, advocating for intense focus on one business or income stream initially.

Argues against early diversification, advocating for intense focus on one business or income stream initially.

  • Diversification is a protection against ignorance and should only be pursued once you have substantial wealth.
  • Focusing on one thing allows for mastery and outsized returns, while diversification distributes effort and potentially dilutes results.

Chapter 4

Maintaining Focus Through Adversity

7:14 - 41 sec

Discusses the psychological journey of entrepreneurship and the importance of persisting through challenges.

Discusses the psychological journey of entrepreneurship and the importance of persisting through challenges.

  • Entrepreneurs go through phases of uninformed optimism, informed pessimism, and the valley of despair before achieving success.
  • Most people quit in the valley of despair and fail to realize that all ventures could succeed if worked on properly.
  • Emphasizes the value in focusing on one venture and seeing it through to success.

Chapter 5

Building the Foundation of Your Business

9:32 - 3 min, 35 sec

Explains how to build a business with a solid foundation for long-term success.

Explains how to build a business with a solid foundation for long-term success.

  • Short-term tactics can lead to immediate gains but may not provide a stable foundation for scaling.
  • Building slowly with stable methods leads to a more sustainable business that can grow over time.
  • Reinvesting in the business and hiring the right people are key to creating a lasting enterprise.

Chapter 6

Advertising and Sales Strategies

13:13 - 5 min, 4 sec

Covers the importance of advertising and having a structured sales process.

Covers the importance of advertising and having a structured sales process.

  • There are four core methods of advertising: warm outreach, content, paid ads, and cold outreach.
  • Sales processes should be well-defined and adhered to, with the goal of converting leads into customers.
  • Both advertising and sales should have clear and measurable goals, with a focus on consistent action over outcomes.

Chapter 7

Paying Yourself and Allocating Profits

18:17 - 3 min, 39 sec

Discusses strategies for paying yourself as an entrepreneur and managing business profits.

Discusses strategies for paying yourself as an entrepreneur and managing business profits.

  • It's important to balance reinvestment in the business with taking out profits for personal wealth.
  • Strategies like the 33% rule or the watermark method can help manage cash flow and personal income.
  • Risk tolerance plays a significant role in determining how much to pay oneself.

Chapter 8

Goal Setting and the Scientific Method

21:56 - 4 min, 37 sec

Applies the scientific method to business goal setting and problem-solving.

Applies the scientific method to business goal setting and problem-solving.

  • Identifying the core problem to be solved is the first step in the process.
  • Creating hypotheses and testing them through measurable actions leads to informed decision-making.
  • The scientific method ensures that business strategies are based on data and outcomes rather than guesses.

Chapter 9

Enjoying Wealth and Defining 'Enough'

26:33 - 5 min, 59 sec

Reflects on what it means to enjoy wealth and the concept of having 'enough'.

Reflects on what it means to enjoy wealth and the concept of having 'enough'.

  • The key to enjoying wealth is not to stop working but to work on things that provide fulfillment and purpose.
  • Realizing that wealth is not just about amassing money but about freedom and the quality of life can lead to greater satisfaction.
  • Understanding personal priorities and creating a 'dream list' can help define what 'enough' means for an individual.

Chapter 10

Reputation and Brand Building

32:32 - 19 min, 27 sec

Explores the importance of reputation and how it influences brand perception and value.

Explores the importance of reputation and how it influences brand perception and value.

  • A strong reputation is akin to a carefully curated bouquet, where each element contributes to the overall perception.
  • Negative associations can significantly impact brand value and should be avoided or managed carefully.
  • Investing in Goodwill, or customer surplus, can lead to significant brand growth and long-term success.

Chapter 11

The Power of Compounding

51:59 - 10 min, 59 sec

Highlights the exponential benefits of compounding in building wealth over time.

Highlights the exponential benefits of compounding in building wealth over time.

  • Compounding leads to growth that accelerates over time, significantly increasing wealth with patience.
  • The concept applies to financial investments as well as business expansion and personal development.
  • It's important to avoid disrupting the compounding process by staying the course and resisting the urge for immediate results.

Chapter 12

Staying in the Game

62:58 - 41 sec

Emphasizes the importance of persistence and continuous engagement in activities that lead to growth.

Emphasizes the importance of persistence and continuous engagement in activities that lead to growth.

  • The true measure of success is not in reaching a goal but in the ongoing pursuit and enjoyment of meaningful activities.
  • Staying actively involved and not quitting ensures that progress continues across various aspects of life and business.
  • Understanding that life is an infinite game can lead to a more fulfilling and enduring sense of achievement.

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