If Squid Game Was ACTUALLY Asian

Steven He

Steven He

4 min, 21 sec

The video features participants engaged in Squid Game-inspired challenges including a math puzzle, an interview, and impressing the UN, with a mention of the Netflix set at the end.


  • Participants wake up to find themselves in a game where they must complete various tasks for the chance to win free money.
  • Challenges include solving a quadratic equation in 10 seconds and participating in a mock interview with Harvard.
  • One player tries to impress by mentioning a Harvard degree and a meme he created, while another mentions making YouTube videos.
  • The video concludes with a thank you to Netflix and a promotion for Squid Game experiences.

Chapter 1

Waking Up and Game Introduction

0:01 - 14 sec

Participants wake up and are introduced to the game by being teased for sleeping late and informed about challenges for winning free money.

Participants wake up and are introduced to the game by being teased for sleeping late and informed about challenges for winning free money.

  • A participant is teased for sleeping until 1 p.m.
  • They are signed up for a game called 'scrp' by their cousin to win free money.

Chapter 2

Math Challenge

0:18 - 40 sec

Participants are presented with a math challenge where they must solve a quadratic equation in 10 seconds.

Participants are presented with a math challenge where they must solve a quadratic equation in 10 seconds.

  • Participants are given a quadratic equation to solve.
  • They have only 10 seconds to solve it, and some succeed while others fail.

Chapter 3

Harvard Interview Challenge

1:14 - 59 sec

A mock Harvard interview is conducted where participants must impress the interviewer with their qualifications and future plans.

A mock Harvard interview is conducted where participants must impress the interviewer with their qualifications and future plans.

  • A participant is asked why they applied to Harvard and to describe their strengths.
  • The YouTuber participant mentions his career path and is criticized for having zero comedic talent and a low IQ.

Chapter 4

Impressing the UN

2:30 - 1 min, 9 sec

Participants must impress the UN, with one leveraging his YouTube presence and another his Harvard degree and meme fame.

Participants must impress the UN, with one leveraging his YouTube presence and another his Harvard degree and meme fame.

  • Participants take turns trying to impress the UN, with their efforts livestreamed to relatives on Facebook.
  • One boasts about his emotional damage meme, but reveals he made no money from it.

Chapter 5

Closing Remarks and Netflix Set Acknowledgement

3:49 - 30 sec

The video concludes with thanks to Netflix for the set, promotions for Squid Game experiences, and light-hearted banter.

The video concludes with thanks to Netflix for the set, promotions for Squid Game experiences, and light-hearted banter.

  • The host thanks Netflix for the use of the set and promotes Squid Game-related experiences.
  • The video ends with some humorous exchanges about not wearing a shirt under clothing.