Internet Is Unusable Without Ad Block



8 min, 58 sec

The video discusses the overwhelming presence of ads on news websites and the essential role of ad blockers in modern web browsing.


  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of ad blockers when using the web, comparing it to a basic necessity like water or air.
  • Experiencing a multitude of ads, including video ads that interrupt content, highlights the unusability of sites without ad blockers.
  • The annoyance leads to a discussion about a specific bobblehead heist story that is nearly impossible to follow due to constant ad interruptions.
  • The speaker also notes the emerging battle against ad blockers, stressing their importance for a usable internet experience.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Importance of Ad Blockers

0:00 - 13 sec

The opening remarks establish ad blockers as an overlooked, yet essential, element for life on the internet.

The opening remarks establish ad blockers as an overlooked, yet essential, element for life on the internet.

  • Comparison of ad blockers to basic necessities highlights their significance for web users.
  • Speaker is constantly reminded of the need for ad blockers when reading news online.

Chapter 2

Personal Anecdotes of Ad Intrusion

0:13 - 1 min, 4 sec

Personal experiences illustrate the frustration of dealing with intrusive ads on news sites.

Personal experiences illustrate the frustration of dealing with intrusive ads on news sites.

  • Speaker describes relenting to disabling ad blocker, resulting in a cluttered and headache-inducing experience.
  • Mentions the inundation of ads in various forms, including banner, autoplay, and mid-article ads.

Chapter 3

The Intolerable Frequency of Video Ads

1:17 - 33 sec

The speaker discusses the excessive frequency of video ads on mainstream media sites, making it nearly impossible to consume content.

The speaker discusses the excessive frequency of video ads on mainstream media sites, making it nearly impossible to consume content.

  • Video ads appear every few seconds, interrupting content and significantly extending the time required to watch a short video.
  • A two-minute video about a bobblehead heist takes over 10 minutes to watch due to ads.

Chapter 4

Bobblehead Heist Story and Advertisement Overload

1:49 - 56 sec

While attempting to follow a story about a bobblehead heist, the speaker is bombarded with an overload of ads.

While attempting to follow a story about a bobblehead heist, the speaker is bombarded with an overload of ads.

  • The story is frequently interrupted with ads, making it hard to follow the narrative.
  • The speaker expresses disbelief at the sheer number of ads and questions the legality of such practices.

Chapter 5

The Futility of Browsing Without an Ad Blocker

2:45 - 41 sec

Navigating the internet without an ad blocker is described as crucial and compared to a basic human right due to the unbearable number of ads.

Navigating the internet without an ad blocker is described as crucial and compared to a basic human right due to the unbearable number of ads.

  • The speaker argues for the necessity of ad blockers and their role in preserving a usable internet experience.
  • Attempts to remove ad blockers are seen as detrimental to the web's landscape.

Chapter 6

Testing Ad Frequency on Multiple Sites

3:26 - 52 sec

The speaker tests the frequency of ads on different news websites, confirming the commonality of the issue.

The speaker tests the frequency of ads on different news websites, confirming the commonality of the issue.

  • The same issue of ad interruption is experienced on a second website, implying it's a widespread problem.
  • The speaker wonders how it's possible to use the internet without an ad blocker given the intrusive ad practices.

Chapter 7

Reflecting on the Impracticality of Ad-Saturated Websites

4:18 - 57 sec

Reflections on the impracticality of websites saturated with ads lead to a call for the necessity of ad blockers.

Reflections on the impracticality of websites saturated with ads lead to a call for the necessity of ad blockers.

  • The speaker questions the legality of such excessive advertising and considers reporting the sites.
  • The ads are so frequent that they become the main content, with the actual news story serving as a brief interlude.

Chapter 8

Continued Frustration with Ad Overload

5:15 - 40 sec

Continued attempts to watch news content are frustrated by an incessant stream of ads.

Continued attempts to watch news content are frustrated by an incessant stream of ads.

  • The speaker struggles to watch a video on another site due to the same issue of constant ads.
  • The frustrating experience leads to a discussion on the potential earnings from such ad-heavy videos.

Chapter 9

Closing Thoughts on the State of Online Journalism

5:55 - 3 min, 0 sec

The speaker concludes with thoughts on the unacceptable state of online journalism due to ad over-saturation.

The speaker concludes with thoughts on the unacceptable state of online journalism due to ad over-saturation.

  • The speaker is baffled by the frequency of ads on journalistic sites and stresses the importance of ad blockers.
  • The current state of the internet is deemed unforgivable with ads disrupting the user experience to an extreme.

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