It Finally Happened

Alex Hormozi

Alex Hormozi

87 min, 39 sec

A comprehensive summary of a video presentation on how to get strangers to want to buy your products or services, utilizing various strategies.


  • The speaker shares strategies to attract leads and promises that these methods work across various industries, providing examples from personal experience and portfolio companies.
  • A commitment is made to prove the effectiveness of the strategies and to showcase how they've been applied successfully in real-world scenarios.
  • The audience is segmented into those needing immediate strategies to improve their financial situation and those who can help the speaker in sharing business education.
  • The speaker introduces the 100 million dollar lead system and offers it for free as a comprehensive guide to generating leads and scaling businesses.
  • Bonuses such as an audiobook and a collector's edition of the lead system are offered as incentives for participation and engagement.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Commitment

0:00 - 1 min, 9 sec

The speaker introduces the lead generation strategies and commits to proving their effectiveness.

The speaker introduces the lead generation strategies and commits to proving their effectiveness.

  • Promise is made to demonstrate how to attract leads and assure that the methods work across many industries.
  • The speaker shares a personal commitment to showing real-world applications of these lead generation strategies.
  • The audience is assured that the content shared will be practical and drawn from extensive experience.

Chapter 2

Personal Journey and Strategies

1:09 - 2 min, 58 sec

The speaker shares his personal journey and the strategies that have been successful.

The speaker shares his personal journey and the strategies that have been successful.

  • The speaker's entrepreneurial journey is shared, including initial challenges and breakthroughs.
  • Lead generation strategies that saved the speaker's business and helped scale it are discussed.
  • The speaker's experience serves as a testament to the strategies being shared with the audience.

Chapter 3

The Core Four Strategies

4:07 - 3 min, 54 sec

Introduction to the 'Core Four' advertising methods essential for lead generation.

Introduction to the 'Core Four' advertising methods essential for lead generation.

  • Warm Outreach: Reaching out to people who know you to get your first customers.
  • Posting Content: Creating free content to grow an audience and attract leads.
  • Running Paid Ads: Utilizing paid advertisements to reach strangers and convert them into customers.
  • Cold Outreach: Contacting strangers directly to generate leads and sales.

Chapter 4

Lead Getters and Scaling

8:01 - 6 min, 34 sec

Explaining the concept of 'Lead Getters' and how they can be used to further scale lead generation.

Explaining the concept of 'Lead Getters' and how they can be used to further scale lead generation.

  • Customers, employees, agencies, and affiliates are introduced as 'Lead Getters' who can advertise on your behalf.
  • The speaker explains how leveraging Lead Getters can significantly increase lead generation efficiency.
  • Real-world examples are provided to illustrate the impact of using Lead Getters to scale a business.

Chapter 5

Offering the 100 Million Dollar Lead System

14:35 - 72 min, 40 sec

The speaker presents the 100 Million Dollar Lead System and offers it for free to the live audience.

The speaker presents the 100 Million Dollar Lead System and offers it for free to the live audience.

  • The 100 Million Dollar Lead System is introduced as a comprehensive guide to mastering lead generation.
  • The speaker surprises the audience by offering the system for free as a gesture of gratitude.
  • Bonuses such as an audiobook and a collector's edition are included to incentivize the audience.

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