John Mayer & Conan Clear The Air | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

Team Coco

Team Coco

8 min, 55 sec

John Mayer discusses his relationship with Conan O'Brien, their mutual appreciation, and various humorous anecdotes.


  • John Mayer expresses his excitement about being accepted as Conan O'Brien's friend and being on the podcast.
  • Conan recalls Mayer's past appearances on his show and praises him for his kind words about the show.
  • They joke about who is the better musician, with Conan modestly deflecting to Mayer's superior guitar skills.
  • A comedic ad read for Miller Light is performed, discussing the joys of winter, camaraderie, and low-calorie beer.
  • Conan and Mayer discuss aging, the relief of recognizing others' talents, and the freedom that comes with not needing to be the best in the room.
  • They share stories about the clarity and contentment that comes with accepting one's position and talents in life.

Chapter 1

John Mayer's Excitement to be Conan's Friend

0:00 - 51 sec

John Mayer conveys his enthusiasm about being considered Conan O'Brien's friend, signifying a special affirmation.

John Mayer conveys his enthusiasm about being considered Conan O'Brien's friend, signifying a special affirmation.

  • John Mayer feels honored to be considered a friend by Conan O'Brien, likening it to joining an elite club in show business.
  • Mayer has always wanted to be Conan's friend and is excited to finally be on his podcast.

Chapter 2

Conan's Appreciation of Mayer's Support

0:51 - 25 sec

Conan appreciates Mayer's past compliments about his show during interviews and expresses how nice it was to hear.

Conan appreciates Mayer's past compliments about his show during interviews and expresses how nice it was to hear.

  • Conan recalls Mayer's frequent appearances on his show and the kind things Mayer has said about it over the years.
  • Mayer's praise in interviews would often reach Conan, who appreciated the support.

Chapter 3

Musician Jokes and Self-Deprecation

1:16 - 1 min, 0 sec

A humorous exchange about who is the better musician leads to self-deprecating jokes.

A humorous exchange about who is the better musician leads to self-deprecating jokes.

  • Conan and Mayer joke about who is the better musician, with Conan humorously stating that it's not a debate.
  • They mention the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates, and Conan acknowledges Mayer as a guitar virtuoso.

Chapter 4

Conan's Guitar Aspirations Crushed by Mayer

2:17 - 54 sec

Conan shares a story of how his confidence in playing guitar was shattered after hearing Mayer's performance.

Conan shares a story of how his confidence in playing guitar was shattered after hearing Mayer's performance.

  • Conan thought he played the song 'Buckets of Rain' well until he heard Mayer play it at a benefit, which led him to comically consider destroying his guitars.
  • Conan feels that there are some talents he will simply never acquire, despite his attempts.

Chapter 5

John Mayer Relaxed by Jeff Beck's Presence

3:11 - 3 min, 11 sec

Mayer recounts feeling relaxed knowing Jeff Beck was the best guitarist in the room, lifting any pressure off him.

Mayer recounts feeling relaxed knowing Jeff Beck was the best guitarist in the room, lifting any pressure off him.

  • Mayer shares a story of feeling at ease in the presence of Jeff Beck, knowing that he didn't have to be the best guitarist in the room.
  • This story mirrors Conan's earlier narrative about feeling discouraged after Mayer's performance.

Chapter 6

Humorous Miller Light Ad Read

6:21 - 28 sec

Conan and Mayer perform a light-hearted ad read for Miller Light, integrating humor into the promotion.

  • The duo discusses the joys of winter, gathering with friends, and enjoying Miller Light by a crackling fire.
  • They make humorous remarks about the beer's clean finish and low calorie count.

Chapter 7

Accepting One's Position in Life

4:49 - 4 min, 4 sec

Conan and Mayer discuss the contentment that comes with recognizing and accepting their respective talents and positions.

Conan and Mayer discuss the contentment that comes with recognizing and accepting their respective talents and positions.

  • Conan speaks about aging and the comfort in acknowledging the greatness of others without feeling competitive.
  • Mayer and Conan share anecdotes of being at Hollywood parties and how their perspective on seeking approval has changed.

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