Laserlight. The Serendipity in Radical Innovations | Emily Brooke | TEDxUniversityofBrighton

TEDx Talks

TEDx Talks

10 min, 42 sec

The speaker narrates a personal incident that led to the invention of the laser light for bicycles, emphasizing the role of serendipity in innovation.


  • The speaker recalls a near-accident on a bicycle that inspired the creation of the laser light.
  • The laser light projects a bicycle symbol in front of the cyclist to alert drivers and reduce accidents.
  • The speaker's journey included extensive research and development, culminating in a successful product that's integrated into London's bike-sharing scheme.
  • The speaker discusses historical examples of serendipitous innovation, arguing that deep understanding and openness to the 'crazy' are key to true innovation.

Chapter 1

An Inspiring Near-Miss

0:08 - 19 sec

A close call with a van while cycling near the seafront led the speaker to conceive the idea of the laser light for bicycles.

A close call with a van while cycling near the seafront led the speaker to conceive the idea of the laser light for bicycles.

  • While cycling, a white van almost hit the speaker, suggesting the need for a virtual presence to warn drivers.

Chapter 2

Conceptualizing the Laser Light

0:27 - 50 sec

The speaker conceptualized the laser light to protect cyclists from being unseen by motorists.

The speaker conceptualized the laser light to protect cyclists from being unseen by motorists.

  • The laser light serves as a visible alert for motorists and pedestrians, projecting a green bicycle symbol onto the road.

Chapter 3

From University Project to Global Product

1:17 - 44 sec

The speaker's final year university project led to the creation of a successful global business.

The speaker's final year university project led to the creation of a successful global business.

  • The product was developed from a university project and is now a global business with significant investment.
  • The laser light is distributed in over 55 countries and backed by prominent investors.

Chapter 4

Second Product Launch and Major Partnership

2:01 - 37 sec

The successful launch of the second product and partnership with London's bike-sharing scheme marked a milestone for the company.

The successful launch of the second product and partnership with London's bike-sharing scheme marked a milestone for the company.

  • Following the success of the laser light, the company launched a second product, the burner, a backlight for bikes.
  • The laser technology was integrated into London's Santander Cycles after positive research findings.

Chapter 5

Validating the Laser Light Through Research

2:38 - 32 sec

In-depth research confirmed the effectiveness of the laser light in improving cyclist visibility and safety.

In-depth research confirmed the effectiveness of the laser light in improving cyclist visibility and safety.

  • Research by TRL showed that the laser light significantly reduces blind spots and improves cyclist visibility.

Chapter 6

Serendipity in Science and Innovation

3:10 - 1 min, 9 sec

The speaker explores the relationship between serendipity and scientific innovation with historical examples.

The speaker explores the relationship between serendipity and scientific innovation with historical examples.

  • Famous accidental discoveries like penicillin, LSD, and the microwave are cited as examples of serendipitous innovation.

Chapter 7

The Eureka Moment and its Role in Innovation

4:19 - 1 min, 0 sec

The speaker reflects on the concept of the Eureka moment and its importance to innovation.

The speaker reflects on the concept of the Eureka moment and its importance to innovation.

  • The speaker questions whether innovations like Newton's discovery of gravity would have occurred without a defining moment.

Chapter 8

The Journey to a Valuable Solution

5:19 - 2 min, 37 sec

The speaker shares the initial rejection of her idea and the subsequent journey to creating a valuable solution.

The speaker shares the initial rejection of her idea and the subsequent journey to creating a valuable solution.

  • Initially, the idea of brake lights for bikes was rejected; the speaker was advised to understand the problem deeply before finding a solution.
  • After extensive research and development, the concept of the laser light emerged.

Chapter 9

Understanding Problems and Exploring Crazy Ideas

7:55 - 2 min, 13 sec

The speaker concludes by proposing two conditions for serendipitous innovation: deep problem understanding and exploring crazy ideas.

The speaker concludes by proposing two conditions for serendipitous innovation: deep problem understanding and exploring crazy ideas.

  • Deep understanding of a problem and the willingness to explore unusual solutions are crucial for innovation.
  • Examples like the accidental discovery of Viagra's effects demonstrate the value of serendipity.

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