Logs (logarithms), Clearly Explained!!!
StatQuest with Josh Starmer
15 min, 37 sec
A detailed walkthrough of logarithms, their properties, and applications, particularly in fold changes and data analysis.
- Explains logarithms by converting a number line to a log base 2 axis and illustrating how logs isolate exponents.
- Demonstrates the relationship between logarithms and powers of two, including the handling of fractional values and negative exponents.
- Highlights the importance of log scales in presenting fold changes symmetrically and the concept of geometric mean.
- Shows how logs convert multiplication into addition and division into subtraction of exponents.
- Mentions the applicability of these logarithmic principles to various bases, including base 10 and the natural log (base e), depending on the data.
Chapter 1

Introductory segment where StatQuest, sponsored by the Genetics Department at UNC Chapel Hill, introduces the topic of logarithms.
- StatQuest is brought to you by the friendly folks in the Genetics Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- The video promises to clearly explain logarithms and begins with a basic number line.

Chapter 2

Explains how numbers on a number line can be rewritten as powers of two and introduces the concept of a log base 2 axis.
- Numbers like 8, 4, 2, and 1 are shown to be easily rewritten as powers of two.
- Other numbers, such as 7, 6, or 5, as well as pi, can also be written as powers of two, though less neatly.

Chapter 3

Describes the process of converting a standard number line to a log base 2 axis by taking the log base 2 of each number.
- The video demonstrates how to convert the number line into a log base 2 axis.
- Taking the log base 2 of numbers like 8, 4, 2, and 1 isolates their exponents, which are 3, 2, 1, and 0 respectively.

Chapter 4

Explains logarithms of fractional values using negative exponents and their placement on the log base 2 axis.
- Logarithms of fractions like 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 are shown to correspond to negative exponents -1, -2, and -3 respectively.
- The video illustrates how these negative exponents are represented on the log base 2 axis.

Chapter 5

Illustrates why fold changes should be plotted on log axes, providing a symmetrical representation around the value of 1.
- Highlights how the log scale makes distances symmetrical, unlike a normal number line where the same fold changes are not equidistant from 1.
- Emphasizes that using a log scale is crucial when discussing fold changes to maintain symmetry.

Chapter 6

Summarizes the properties of logarithmic functions and their implications for data analysis.
- Logs isolate exponents, which is a key principle when working with logarithms.
- The geometric mean is more robust to outliers than the arithmetic mean and is useful for log-based data.

Chapter 7

Explains how logarithms transform multiplication into addition and division into subtraction of exponents.
- Shows that multiplication of numbers becomes addition of their exponents when rewritten as powers of two.
- Demonstrates that division of numbers becomes subtraction of their exponents when rewritten as powers of two.

Chapter 8

Discusses the versatility of logarithmic principles across different bases and their relevance to various types of data.
- Explains that the principles of logarithms apply to all bases, including base 10 and the natural logarithm (base e).
- Encourages the use of logarithms that match the pattern of the data, such as log base 3 for tripling patterns or log base 7.5 for data increasing by 7.5 times each step.

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