Magnesium: Are the Benefits Real? A Look at 30 Studies

Mic the Vegan

Mic the Vegan

18 min, 50 sec

Mike explores the reality behind the hype of magnesium, discussing its functions, research findings, and comparing dietary sources with supplements.


  • Magnesium is essential for over 300 enzymatic reactions, ATP synthesis, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and heart rhythm.
  • Many people may not get enough magnesium, with claims of insufficiency as high as 90%, but true deficiency in the body is less common and harder to diagnose.
  • Studies link higher dietary magnesium intake to lower mortality and various health benefits, but not all claims about magnesium supplements are supported by evidence.
  • Plant-based diets generally provide more magnesium; unprocessed plant foods are the best sources.
  • Types of magnesium supplements vary in bioavailability and effects; magnesium citrate and oxide can have laxative effects, while others claim cognitive benefits or better absorption.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Magnesium

0:00 - 50 sec

Mike introduces the subject of magnesium, questioning social media claims and planning to explore various aspects of magnesium research.

Mike introduces the subject of magnesium, questioning social media claims and planning to explore various aspects of magnesium research.

  • Magnesium's role in health has become a social media trend, but Mike questions the validity of the hype.
  • The discussion includes research on magnesium's impact on migraines, depression, heart disease, and more.
  • Questions to address include magnesium's functions, the comparison of dietary and supplemented magnesium, and the existence of a superior form.

Chapter 2

Magnesium's Function and Deficiency

0:50 - 1 min, 35 sec

Mike explains the functions of magnesium in the body and the difficulty of diagnosing magnesium deficiency.

Mike explains the functions of magnesium in the body and the difficulty of diagnosing magnesium deficiency.

  • Magnesium is critical for enzymatic function, ATP synthesis, nerve impulses, muscle contraction, and DNA synthesis.
  • Most magnesium is stored in muscles and bones, with only a small percentage in the blood.
  • Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are non-specific, making it hard to diagnose, but can include loss of appetite, fatigue, muscle cramps, and personality changes.

Chapter 3

Dietary Magnesium Insufficiency

2:25 - 39 sec

Mike discusses the discrepancy between dietary magnesium insufficiency and actual deficiency.

Mike discusses the discrepancy between dietary magnesium insufficiency and actual deficiency.

  • There's a difference between not meeting dietary recommendations and having a clinical magnesium deficiency in the body.
  • Some claims suggest widespread dietary insufficiency, but actual deficiency rates vary from 2% to 15% of the population.
  • Blood tests may not accurately reflect magnesium deficiency, as the body can pull magnesium from bones to maintain blood levels.

Chapter 4

Factors Influencing Magnesium Deficiency

3:04 - 1 min, 47 sec

Mike highlights various factors contributing to magnesium deficiency.

Mike highlights various factors contributing to magnesium deficiency.

  • Magnesium deficiency can be caused by drugs, diabetes, excessive calcium or vitamin D supplementation, intense physical activity, and alcoholism.
  • Diets low in magnesium-rich foods are a key factor in deficiency.
  • Modern farming practices that lack nutrient-rich fertilization may lower magnesium content in food.

Chapter 5

Dietary Intake and Health Correlations

4:52 - 1 min, 41 sec

Mike discusses studies correlating higher dietary magnesium intake to better health outcomes.

Mike discusses studies correlating higher dietary magnesium intake to better health outcomes.

  • Increased dietary magnesium is linked to lower mortality rates and lower risks of cancer.
  • Plant-based diets, particularly vegan diets, tend to have higher magnesium intakes.
  • Unprocessed plant foods, especially dark leafy greens, are rich in magnesium.

Chapter 6

Magnesium Supplementation Health Studies

6:32 - 7 min, 32 sec

Mike presents randomized control trials and meta-analyses on the health benefits of magnesium supplementation.

Mike presents randomized control trials and meta-analyses on the health benefits of magnesium supplementation.

  • Studies on magnesium supplementation show benefits in post-stroke survival, depression, blood pressure reduction, and insomnia.
  • Magnesium supplementation did not show benefits in muscle cramps or improving LDL cholesterol in non-diabetic people.
  • Some forms of magnesium supplements may have laxative effects, and bioavailability varies among types.

Chapter 7

Types of Magnesium Supplements

14:05 - 3 min, 3 sec

Mike evaluates different types of magnesium supplements and their respective benefits and absorption rates.

Mike evaluates different types of magnesium supplements and their respective benefits and absorption rates.

  • Magnesium supplements come in various forms, with differences in absorption and secondary effects.
  • Magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide have good bioavailability but can act as laxatives.
  • Other types like magnesium orotate and magnesium lactate offer different benefits, such as cognitive improvements or non-laxative properties.

Chapter 8

Magnesium Supplementation Dosage and Recommendations

17:08 - 1 min, 31 sec

Mike shares his thoughts on magnesium supplementation dosage and offers recommendations.

Mike shares his thoughts on magnesium supplementation dosage and offers recommendations.

  • Magnesium supplement dosages in studies ranged from 300 to 500 milligrams per day.
  • Opting for a diet rich in unprocessed plant foods is recommended for increasing magnesium intake.
  • Mike considers supplementing with magnesium for specific issues like migraines or insomnia based on compelling study results.

Chapter 9

Conclusion and Personal Take

18:39 - 9 sec

Mike concludes the video by sharing his personal approach to magnesium intake and supplementation.

Mike concludes the video by sharing his personal approach to magnesium intake and supplementation.

  • Mike plans to focus on dietary sources of magnesium rather than supplements.
  • He suggests supporting local farms that use nutrient-rich fertilizers to potentially increase magnesium content in food.
  • Viewers are invited to comment on any aspects of magnesium that may have been missed.

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