My Vegan Comebacks Video Was Debunked by Fitness YouTuber?

Mic the Vegan

Mic the Vegan

28 min, 14 sec

Mike the Vegan's detailed rebuttal to Chris Krueger's critique of vegan diets, addressing points on protein adequacy, ethical considerations, and agricultural impacts.


  • Mike the Vegan systematically counters Chris Krueger's points on the healthfulness and ethical ramifications of vegan diets.
  • He clarifies misconceptions about protein adequacy in vegan diets, highlighting that plant-based sources can meet all essential amino acid requirements.
  • Mike challenges Chris's ethical stance on humane slaughter and consent, arguing that the inability to consent does not justify killing animals.
  • He also discusses the environmental and logistical aspects of agriculture, debunking the claim that grass-fed beef diets cause fewer animal deaths than vegan diets.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Challenge to Vegan Comebacks

0:00 - 53 sec

Mike the Vegan opens by addressing Chris Krueger's challenge to his '10 Vegan Comebacks' video.

Mike the Vegan opens by addressing Chris Krueger's challenge to his '10 Vegan Comebacks' video.

  • Mike is outside wearing a vegan-themed T-shirt ready to respond to Chris Krueger's critique.
  • Chris claims Mike's vegan comebacks have been debunked, raising issues not yet addressed by Mike, such as the claim that grass-fed beef diets kill fewer animals than vegan diets.

Chapter 2

Protein Levels and Health Implications

0:52 - 3 min, 19 sec

Mike addresses the claim that higher blood protein levels in vegans indicate malnourishment, explaining the science behind protein intake and adequacy.

Mike addresses the claim that higher blood protein levels in vegans indicate malnourishment, explaining the science behind protein intake and adequacy.

  • Chris suggests high blood protein in vegans could indicate poor health, but Mike refutes this by showing how higher serum albumin levels are associated with better health outcomes.
  • Mike explains how plants provide all essential amino acids and that vegans are less likely to be protein deficient.
  • He also discusses the misconception around vegan vitamin A intake and clarifies the body's capacity to convert beta-carotene into vitamin A.

Chapter 3

Sentience and the Ethics of Killing Animals

4:12 - 5 min, 16 sec

Mike challenges Chris's views on animal sentience and the ethics of killing for food.

Mike challenges Chris's views on animal sentience and the ethics of killing for food.

  • Mike argues against the idea that killing animals is justified because they lack the ability to consent or comprehend death.
  • He presents evidence of animal sentience, such as a cow hiding its calf and pigs recognizing themselves in mirrors.
  • Mike criticizes the views that dismiss animal suffering and the moral implications of unnecessarily ending sentient lives.

Chapter 4

Nutritional Adequacy of Vegan Diets

9:28 - 5 min, 10 sec

Mike defends the nutritional adequacy of a vegan diet against Chris's criticisms using scientific evidence and expert opinions.

Mike defends the nutritional adequacy of a vegan diet against Chris's criticisms using scientific evidence and expert opinions.

  • He cites the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, among other organizations, to support the adequacy of vegan diets for all stages of life.
  • Mike discusses the appeal to authority fallacy and compares the nutritional deficiencies in omnivores and vegans, emphasizing the importance of nutrients like folic acid.

Chapter 5

Building Muscle and Athletic Performance on a Vegan Diet

14:37 - 6 min, 57 sec

Mike refutes the idea that a vegan diet is unsuitable for muscle building and athletic performance.

Mike refutes the idea that a vegan diet is unsuitable for muscle building and athletic performance.

  • He highlights successful vegan athletes and bodybuilders, such as Kendrick Farris and Jeff Palmer, to show that muscle gain is possible on a vegan diet.
  • Mike addresses the use of steroids and how they work in conjunction with adequate protein intake from vegan sources.

Chapter 6

Agricultural Impact and Harvest Deaths

21:34 - 6 min, 30 sec

Mike discusses the environmental implications of grass-fed beef and harvest deaths associated with different diets.

Mike discusses the environmental implications of grass-fed beef and harvest deaths associated with different diets.

  • He debunks the notion that grass-fed beef has fewer collateral animal deaths compared to plant-based agriculture, considering winter feed requirements and predator control.
  • Mike presents data on harvest deaths, explaining the low impact of combines and the potential for agricultural practices to minimize harm to wildlife.

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