"Noether: Symmetry in Programming Language Design" by Daira Hopwood (2013)
Strange Loop Conference
44 min, 20 sec
Dara presents the concept and design of a programming language called Neta, emphasizing the importance of symmetry in programming language design.
- Dara introduces Neta, a programming language demonstrating symmetry principles in language design.
- Explores how programming languages have not kept up with hardware advancements, contributing to a software crisis.
- Argues that correctness, security, and reliability in software are interconnected and can be improved through language symmetry.
- Discusses stratified language design, where each level of the language breaks a symmetry from the previous level, retaining only essential ones.
- Details the structure of Neta, which ranges from a pure functional core to layers with added features like parallelism, transactions, and concurrency.
Chapter 1

Dara introduces herself, the Neta language, and the concept of symmetry in programming languages.
- Dara, the creator of Neta, aims to convince the importance of symmetry in language design.
- Uses Neta as an example of applying symmetry principles to create better programming languages.
- Highlights the need for languages to express powerful abstractions to tackle the complexity of modern computing.

Chapter 2

Dara discusses the software crisis and how languages have not evolved sufficiently to address it.
- Computers have vastly increased in power and storage, yet languages have not adapted proportionally.
- Quotes Dijkstra on the complexity of software and the ongoing software crisis.
- Mentions that the NSA exploits flaws in software due to inadequate language tools.

Chapter 3

Exploration of the symmetries in programming languages and how they can be applied to practical language design.
- Defines symmetry in the context of programming languages, linking it to the concept in physics and mathematics.
- Discusses several symmetries that are desirable in programming languages, such as confluence and variable renaming.
- Analyzes how certain language features can interfere with these symmetries and proposes strategies to mitigate these disruptions.

Chapter 4

Dara details the stratified design of Neta and the trade-offs between language levels and symmetries.
- Introduces the concept of stratified languages, with different levels of complexity and symmetry.
- Each level adds features and breaks one symmetry from the previous level.
- Discusses the importance of retaining certain symmetries and the trade-off in the number of language levels.

Chapter 5

The role of symmetry in creating secure and reliable software and the impact of flawed language features.
- Examines common language features that hinder the creation of secure software, like side effects and unhygienic features.
- Emphasizes the need for languages that avoid these pitfalls to enhance security and reliability.
- Highlights the connection between symmetry, security, and reliability in programming.

Chapter 6

Introduction to the object capability model and key properties of the Neta language.
- Describes Neta as an object capability language that ties authority to references, avoiding separate access control layers.
- Points out that Neta is parallel and concurrent, separating parallelism for efficiency from the more complex concurrency.

Chapter 7

Dara explains the influences behind Neta and the rationale for a new language.
- Names the language after Emmy Noether, a mathematician known for her work on symmetry.
- Explains the need for a new language by highlighting the limitations and safety issues in existing languages like OCaml and Haskell.

Chapter 8

Discussion on transactionality in Neta and the impact of language design on performance.
- Describes how Neta handles failures through transactionality, providing a strong exception guarantee.
- Addresses the misconception that performance should not be an issue due to hardware advancements, explaining the need for efficient transactionality.

Chapter 9

The structured design of Neta from the core to the full language with concurrency and event loops.
- Details the various subsets of Neta, starting with a deterministic, strict, pure functional core.
- Sequentially adds features such as parallelism, transactions, laziness, and full concurrency.
- Ensures that despite the added complexity, the language remains memory safe and avoids race conditions.

Chapter 10

Dara concludes the presentation and opens the floor for questions.
- Summarizes the key points of the presentation, including the motivation for Neta and its language design philosophy.
- Emphasizes the importance of symmetry in creating efficient, secure, and reliable programming languages.
- Encourages the audience to review the slides for more detail and invites questions for further discussion.

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