The video discusses the differences between 10-ampere and 20-ampere electrical outlets in Brazil, the reasons behind different plug sizes, and guidelines for safely upgrading outlets.


  • Explains the physical differences between 10-ampere and 20-ampere outlets and the equipment compatibility.
  • Clarifies why some devices come with thicker plugs, relating to the electrical current requirements.
  • Advises against using adapters or enlarging holes in 10-ampere outlets for 20-ampere plugs, emphasizing the need for proper circuit dimensioning.
  • Discusses the NBR14136 standard, which ensures 20-ampere outlets accommodate both 10 and 20-ampere plugs.
  • Emphasizes the importance of choosing quality outlets and ensuring circuits are correctly dimensioned before making any changes.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Outlet Amperage Issue

0:00 - 9 sec

Introduces a common issue of having an appliance with a 20-ampere plug that does not fit into a 10-ampere outlet.

Introduces a common issue of having an appliance with a 20-ampere plug that does not fit into a 10-ampere outlet.

  • Opens with a question about replacing a 10-ampere outlet with a 20-ampere one.
  • Sets the context of the issue with equipment compatibility with household outlets.

Chapter 2

Differentiating 10-Ampere and 20-Ampere Outlets

0:09 - 48 sec

Explains the physical difference between 10-ampere and 20-ampere outlets and the reason behind varying plug sizes.

Explains the physical difference between 10-ampere and 20-ampere outlets and the reason behind varying plug sizes.

  • Describes the two types of residential outlets in Brazil and their physical characteristics.
  • Explains that equipment with a current draw over 10 amperes or close to it comes with a thicker 20-ampere plug.

Chapter 3

Adaptation and Safety Concerns

0:56 - 35 sec

Addresses the improper practices of adapting outlets and the importance of proper electrical infrastructure.

Addresses the improper practices of adapting outlets and the importance of proper electrical infrastructure.

  • Mentions the use of adaptors as a common but unsafe practice.
  • Discourages enlarging the holes of 10-ampere outlets and highlights the need for a circuit check before upgrading.

Chapter 4

Regulatory Standards and Compatibility

1:31 - 1 min, 8 sec

Discusses the NBR14136 standard for plug and outlet manufacturing and the compatibility requirements in Brazil.

Discusses the NBR14136 standard for plug and outlet manufacturing and the compatibility requirements in Brazil.

  • Introduces NBR14136, which requires 20-ampere outlets to accept both 10 and 20-ampere plugs.
  • Tests and confirms that quality outlets meet these standards and stresses the importance of using reputable products.

Chapter 5

Final Recommendations and Conclusion

2:39 - 41 sec

Concludes with final advice on upgrading outlets and ensuring electrical system compatibility.

Concludes with final advice on upgrading outlets and ensuring electrical system compatibility.

  • Emphasizes the need for carefully selecting quality outlets.
  • Reiterates the necessity of verifying that circuits are correctly dimensioned before upgrading from 10-ampere to 20-ampere outlets.