Police Interrogations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)



24 min, 43 sec

An in-depth look into the problematic nature of police interrogations and how they can lead to false confessions.


  • The video highlights that police interrogations are inherently dramatic, often leading to confessions that can be more persuasive to juries than DNA evidence.
  • False confessions play a role in a significant number of wrongful convictions, with the Innocence Project finding that 29% of overturned convictions through DNA testing involved false confessions.
  • Police are legally allowed to lie to suspects during interrogations in the U.S., leading to false confessions even in the absence of physical evidence.
  • The Reid Technique, a popular interrogation method, relies on behavioral analysis to gauge truthfulness, but research shows these behaviors are not reliable indicators of deception.
  • Recording all interrogations in full and prohibiting police from lying to suspects during interrogations are proposed reforms.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Police Interrogations

0:05 - 46 sec

The video introduces police interrogations, emphasizing their dramatic nature and frequent appearance in TV dramas.

The video introduces police interrogations, emphasizing their dramatic nature and frequent appearance in TV dramas.

  • The host begins by discussing police interrogations and their common portrayal in television shows.
  • A variety of TV show clips are shown, including a surprising interrogation scene from 'My Little Pony'.
  • The dramatic appeal of interrogation scenes on television is acknowledged.

Chapter 2

The Power of Confessions

0:50 - 58 sec

The video explains how confessions are highly persuasive to juries and can be more influential than physical evidence.

The video explains how confessions are highly persuasive to juries and can be more influential than physical evidence.

  • Jurors in high-profile trials express that confessions played a key role in their decision to convict.
  • Confessions are seen as a definitive indicator of guilt, sometimes valued over DNA evidence.
  • The host points out that false confessions have been a factor in numerous wrongful convictions, including the notorious case of the Central Park Five.

Chapter 3

The Problem with Behavioral Analysis in Interrogations

1:48 - 1 min, 38 sec

The video critiques the Reid Technique's reliance on behavioral analysis, which is not a reliable indicator of deception.

The video critiques the Reid Technique's reliance on behavioral analysis, which is not a reliable indicator of deception.

  • The Reid Technique is widely used in police interrogations and focuses on detecting deception through behavior.
  • Behavioral cues such as crossing arms or avoiding eye contact are traditionally seen as indicators of lying, but science disputes their reliability.
  • The host criticizes the Reid Technique for its lack of scientific backing and its oversimplified approach.

Chapter 4

The Reid Technique and its Shortcomings

3:27 - 1 min, 51 sec

The video delves into the Reid Technique, its widespread use, and the contradictions within its training manual.

The video delves into the Reid Technique, its widespread use, and the contradictions within its training manual.

  • The Reid Technique is detailed, explaining its interview and interrogation phases.
  • The host discusses the contradictions within the Reid Technique manual regarding how to interpret a suspect's behavior.
  • The Reid Technique's effectiveness and the problematic nature of its behavior analysis are questioned.

Chapter 5

The Psychological Impact of Interrogations

5:18 - 1 min, 31 sec

The video discusses how prolonged police interrogations can psychologically pressure individuals into confessing to crimes they did not commit.

The video discusses how prolonged police interrogations can psychologically pressure individuals into confessing to crimes they did not commit.

  • Interrogations can last for many hours, causing significant stress and leading to false confessions.
  • The host presents the case of Robert Davis, who falsely confessed after a long interrogation.
  • The psychological impact of interrogations and the ability of skilled interrogators to elicit false confessions are emphasized.

Chapter 6

The Dangers of Police Deception in Interrogations

6:48 - 1 min, 59 sec

The video highlights the controversial practice of police deception during interrogations and its role in eliciting false confessions.

The video highlights the controversial practice of police deception during interrogations and its role in eliciting false confessions.

  • In the U.S., police can legally lie about evidence, which can lead to innocent people confessing to crimes they did not commit.
  • The host cites examples of outrageous lies told by police to suspects, such as the existence of science-fiction-like technology.
  • The case of Christopher Tapp, who was wrongly convicted based on a false confession, is discussed.

Chapter 7

The Impact of False Confessions on the Vulnerable

8:47 - 1 min, 49 sec

The video explores how false confessions disproportionately affect vulnerable groups, such as children and people with mental disabilities.

The video explores how false confessions disproportionately affect vulnerable groups, such as children and people with mental disabilities.

  • Research shows that false confessions are a significant factor in wrongful convictions of children and people with mental disabilities.
  • The host discusses the limited protections for civilians during police interrogations and the systemic issues within policing.

Chapter 8

Lack of Consequences for Wrongful Interrogations

10:36 - 2 min, 41 sec

The video addresses the absence of repercussions for police and prosecutors involved in cases that result in false confessions.

The video addresses the absence of repercussions for police and prosecutors involved in cases that result in false confessions.

  • Individuals involved in wrongful convictions often retire with pensions and are sometimes honored, despite the lives they have ruined.
  • The host expresses frustration at the lack of accountability for police and prosecutors in cases of false confessions.

Chapter 9

Reforming Police Interrogation Practices

13:17 - 5 min, 15 sec

The video presents potential reforms for police interrogation practices to prevent false confessions and protect the innocent.

The video presents potential reforms for police interrogation practices to prevent false confessions and protect the innocent.

  • Recording all interrogations in full and banning police from lying to suspects are proposed as important reforms.
  • Several states have begun to implement such reforms, particularly for juvenile suspects.
  • The host calls for cultural change in how police interrogations are portrayed and understood by the public.

Chapter 10

Parody of Flawed Interrogation Tactics

18:32 - 6 min, 10 sec

The video concludes with a satirical skit depicting the absurdity of flawed police interrogation tactics.

The video concludes with a satirical skit depicting the absurdity of flawed police interrogation tactics.

  • A comedic skit portrays two 'expert interrogators' who use nonsensical and manipulative tactics to extract confessions.
  • The skit lampoons the Reid Technique and other unreliable interrogation methods by showing false confessions obtained under duress.

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