Pricing Design Work & Creativity (The Guide)

The Futur

The Futur

36 min, 30 sec

An in-depth discussion on pricing strategies for logo design, focusing on value-based pricing versus hourly rates.


  • The video explores various pricing models for logo design, including flat rates, hourly rates, and value-based pricing.
  • Different designers share their pricing strategies, ranging from $500 to $20,000 for a logo.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of charging based on the value provided to the client instead of the time spent.
  • The speaker suggests increasing prices with the scale of the client's business and potential risk involved.
  • The speaker uses a hypothetical scenario to illustrate how to discuss value, risk, and potential profits with a client to justify higher pricing.

Chapter 1

Opening Questions and Audience Engagement

0:00 - 1 min, 43 sec

The video opens with a question about logo design pricing strategies.

The video opens with a question about logo design pricing strategies.

  • A speaker asks the audience about their pricing methods for logos.
  • Audience members suggest various pricing packages, including additional elements like brand strategy and supporting design elements.
  • Prices range from $500 to $20,000, demonstrating a wide range of pricing strategies among designers.

Chapter 2

Value-Based Pricing Explained

1:47 - 3 min, 36 sec

The speaker explains the concept of value-based pricing for logos.

The speaker explains the concept of value-based pricing for logos.

  • The speaker introduces the idea that a logo's value depends on the client's size and the scale of their brand.
  • Large corporations with high-risk factors and extensive branding requirements are willing to pay more for a logo.
  • The speaker argues that pricing should be based on the client's value, not the designer's time.

Chapter 3

Factors Influencing Logo Pricing

5:30 - 1 min, 54 sec

Various factors that influence the pricing of logo design projects are discussed.

Various factors that influence the pricing of logo design projects are discussed.

  • The cost of running a design business, such as staff salaries and office expenses, are factors in determining pricing.
  • The speaker's design firm charges between $15,000 to $30,000 for a logo and additional costs for strategy, messaging, and applications.
  • They emphasize the importance of choosing clients wisely based on the value the designer can bring to them.

Chapter 4

Breaking Down Logo Pricing

7:55 - 3 min, 4 sec

A detailed breakdown of how a logo design is priced and communicated to clients.

A detailed breakdown of how a logo design is priced and communicated to clients.

  • The speaker shows how to present a logo pricing line item to a client, emphasizing clarity and simplicity.
  • They discuss how to handle clients' questions about hourly breakdowns, stating that they charge for the value, not hours.
  • The speaker strongly advises against hourly pricing, as it can penalize efficiency and skill.

Chapter 5

Client Communication and Confidence

11:01 - 4 min, 8 sec

The speaker discusses the importance of confidence when communicating pricing to clients.

The speaker discusses the importance of confidence when communicating pricing to clients.

  • Confidence and the ability to articulate the value behind a price are crucial when discussing costs with clients.
  • The speaker references famous designers like Paul Rand, who justified their high fees with their reputation and experience.
  • The conversation explores how to address clients' concerns about the cost and value of design work.

Chapter 6

The Value Proposition of Design

16:52 - 7 min, 13 sec

The speaker elaborates on the value proposition of design work and its impact on clients' businesses.

The speaker elaborates on the value proposition of design work and its impact on clients' businesses.

  • The speaker emphasizes that clients choose the least risky option, which means showing less risk as a designer is beneficial.
  • They encourage designers to understand their clients' business deeply to align design work with business goals.
  • The speaker suggests using questions to guide clients to understand the potential value and return on investment.

Chapter 7

Calculating Client Revenue and Project Impact

24:25 - 8 min, 33 sec

A hypothetical scenario is used to calculate a client's potential revenue increase from a design project.

A hypothetical scenario is used to calculate a client's potential revenue increase from a design project.

  • The speaker outlines a method to approximate a client's revenue and discuss potential profit margins in different areas of their business.
  • They use this information to suggest a marketing focus and establish a budget for the design project.
  • A target increase in revenue is set, and the speaker explains how this establishes the value of the design project.

Chapter 8

Negotiating with Clients

33:20 - 1 min, 57 sec

The speaker role-plays negotiations with clients, focusing on risk reduction and value creation.

The speaker role-plays negotiations with clients, focusing on risk reduction and value creation.

  • Discussions on guaranteeing results and the rationale behind project pricing lead to the concept of risk-sharing.
  • The speaker proposes a pro-rated payment model based on achieving specific revenue increase targets.
  • They emphasize the idea of being an entrepreneur who outsources work to other professionals, capturing the profit margin difference.

Chapter 9

Final Thoughts and Q&A

35:25 - 40 sec

The speaker concludes the discussion by addressing audience questions and reinforcing key points.

The speaker concludes the discussion by addressing audience questions and reinforcing key points.

  • The speaker clarifies that they cannot guarantee results but can set realistic expectations.
  • They discuss the importance of understanding and communicating the business impact of design work.
  • The Q&A session reinforces the idea of selling the potential global impact rather than the specific design service.

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