Primera República Federal y la Constitución de 1824

The video details the political and social history of Mexico from 1823 to 1835, covering the establishment of the federal republic, economic developments, and the shift to centralism.


  • Mexico's transition period from 1823 to 1835 was marked by conflicts between federalists and centralists, leading to multiple governments and the eventual establishment of a centralist republic.
  • The 1824 Constitution established Mexico as a federal republic with a division of powers and was followed by societal changes and economic attempts that faced political and financial challenges.
  • Significant events included U.S. recognition of Mexico, infrastructural development, and political upheavals, including Vicente Guerrero's presidency and eventual execution.
  • Valentín Gómez Farías' liberal reforms in 1833 faced backlash from conservatives, leading to Santa Anna's repeated assumption of power and the nullification of the 1824 Constitution, establishing centralism.

Chapter 1


0:00 - 23 sec

The video opens with background music and applause.

The video opens with background music and applause.

  • The video begins with background music playing over the introduction.
  • Applause is heard, suggesting the video may be starting with an event or presentation.

Chapter 2

Establishment of the Federal Republic

0:53 - 1 min, 33 sec

Mexico's early federal republic faced political strife between federalists and centralists, with multiple changes in government.

Mexico's early federal republic faced political strife between federalists and centralists, with multiple changes in government.

  • After Iturbide's empire was overthrown in 1823, Mexico restored its constituent congress and proclaimed the 1824 federal constitution.
  • The first Mexican republic was characterized by conflict between federalists and centralists, leading to two triumvirates and nine presidents.
  • The 1824 constitution, Mexico's first official constitution, established a federal representative republic with 19 states, four territories, and a federal district.
  • The constitution respected freedom of speech and established the division of powers within the federation and states.

Chapter 3

Societal Composition and Economic Attempts

2:26 - 48 sec

Mexico's heterogeneous society and economic attempts by the government during Guadalupe Victoria's term are described.

Mexico's heterogeneous society and economic attempts by the government during Guadalupe Victoria's term are described.

  • Society was diverse, with whites, indigenous people, and castas making up the population.
  • The economy was driven by various sectors, including merchants, miners, and artisans, who adapted to political instability.
  • During Guadalupe Victoria's government, ministers attempted to boost the economy, particularly the textile industry, but faced economic challenges.

Chapter 4

International Recognition and Infrastructure Development

3:14 - 1 min, 4 sec

Mexico received international recognition and took significant steps in infrastructure and education during the early republic.

Mexico received international recognition and took significant steps in infrastructure and education during the early republic.

  • In 1825, the United States recognized the Mexican Republic, and the United Kingdom provided loans to support Mexico's obligations.
  • Mexico invested in infrastructure projects, including the restoration of Mexico City, the construction of the Anthropology Museum, and the establishment of the Naval Army.
  • Laws for colonization were enacted, and the Spanish-held San Juan de Ulua was occupied.

Chapter 5

Political Upheavals and the Presidency of Vicente Guerrero

4:19 - 2 min, 4 sec

Mexico experienced political upheavals, leading to Vicente Guerrero's presidency and subsequent execution.

Mexico experienced political upheavals, leading to Vicente Guerrero's presidency and subsequent execution.

  • After fraudulent elections, Vicente Guerrero became president following a political overthrow of Manuel Gómez Pedraza.
  • Guerrero's presidency saw the expulsion of Spaniards and the quelling of rebellions.
  • Guerrero was eventually captured and executed by Anastasio Bustamante's order.

Chapter 6

Santa Anna's Rise to Power and the Shift to Centralism

6:22 - 3 min, 31 sec

Santa Anna's repeated ascension to power and the shift from federalism to centralism are highlighted.

Santa Anna's repeated ascension to power and the shift from federalism to centralism are highlighted.

  • Santa Anna opposed Anastasio Bustamante's government, leading to a series of power changes and the establishment of a centralist republic.
  • The 1835 Constitutive Congress, dominated by conservatives, abolished the 1824 Constitution and enacted the Seven Laws, marking the beginning of the centralist republic.


Proyecto de nación: Republicano.

Proyecto de nación: Republicano.



A detailed historical account of Mexico's early years of independence, including political, social, and economic aspects from Iturbide's fall to the end of Guadalupe Victoria's presidency.