Primitive Technology: Crab and Fish Trap

Primitive Technology

Primitive Technology

10 min, 37 sec

The video captures the wet season's impact on a creek's ecosystem and demonstrates the crafting of a basket fish trap.


  • The wet season initiates water flow in the creek, which affects local wildlife such as crayfish, eels, and various fish.
  • The creator cuts lawyer cane palm to craft a basket trap, detailing the process from preparing materials to the weaving techniques used.
  • The completed basket trap, fitted with a funnel, efficiently catches various aquatic creatures without bait over different seasons.
  • The natural environment including a hut and a draft furnace is significantly impacted by the wet season, with some structures requiring maintenance or rebuilding.

Chapter 1

Wet Season and Wildlife

0:00 - 56 sec

The wet season brings life to the creek, with crayfish, eels, and other animals becoming active.

The wet season brings life to the creek, with crayfish, eels, and other animals becoming active.

  • The wet season's commencement causes the creek to flow.
  • A crayfish navigates a waterfall, and eels are seen swimming upstream.
  • Eels are presumably feeding on drowned animals.

Chapter 2

Basket Trap Crafting - Part 1

1:08 - 26 sec

The process of crafting a basket trap begins with harvesting and preparing lawyer cane palm.

The process of crafting a basket trap begins with harvesting and preparing lawyer cane palm.

  • The creator harvests lawyer cane palm and cuts it into 75 cm lengths.
  • The cane is then split into materials for lashing and weaving the basket.

Chapter 3

Basket Weaving Techniques

1:47 - 16 sec

The basket is constructed using traditional weaving methods, including twinning and standard weaving.

The basket is constructed using traditional weaving methods, including twinning and standard weaving.

  • Twinning technique is used to begin the weave, intertwining two lengths of cane around the basket ribs.
  • The main body of the basket is completed with standard over and under weaving.

Chapter 4

Basket Trap Crafting - Part 2

2:32 - 1 min, 31 sec

The basket trap is finalized by creating and attaching a funnel.

The basket trap is finalized by creating and attaching a funnel.

  • The creator cuts lengths of cane for the funnel and hammers holes into the ground to hold its shape during construction.
  • The funnel is then woven using a standard technique and fitted into the basket trap.

Chapter 5

Trap Deployment and Results

4:07 - 2 min, 51 sec

The basket trap is tested in the creek, effectively catching various aquatic creatures.

The basket trap is tested in the creek, effectively catching various aquatic creatures.

  • The trap is placed in the water without bait and checked the following day.
  • A variety of creatures including fish, prawns, and a crab are caught over time.

Chapter 6

Seasonal Impact on Trap Efficiency

8:10 - 1 min, 21 sec

The trap's effectiveness is showcased across different seasons, catching prawns and fish.

The trap's effectiveness is showcased across different seasons, catching prawns and fish.

  • During the dry season, the trap is tested in a stagnant pool, catching the largest fish yet.
  • After a year, the wet season begins again, and the trap continues to be effective.

Chapter 7

Effect of the Wet Season on Structures

9:46 - 20 sec

The wet season's heavy rains damage the creator's hut and draft furnace, requiring repairs.

The wet season's heavy rains damage the creator's hut and draft furnace, requiring repairs.

  • The hut and furnace are inspected after the deluge, showing significant damage.
  • The furnace is destroyed, the workshop needs maintenance, and the trap is washed away but can be remade.