Purl | Pixar SparkShorts



8 min, 43 sec

Purl starts a new job at BRO Capital, faces challenges fitting in, but eventually finds camaraderie.


  • Purl is introduced as a newcomer to the male-dominated finance company, BRO Capital.
  • Purl struggles with the bro culture, making awkward attempts to fit in with jokes and suggestions.
  • After being excluded from a team outing, Purl is left behind, feeling out of place and isolated.
  • Lacy, another new employee, arrives, and Purl helps her feel welcome, leading to a more inclusive culture.
  • Purl and Lacy change the company dynamics, making it more welcoming and diverse.

Chapter 1

Purl's Introduction

0:00 - 1 min, 9 sec

Purl arrives at BRO Capital and tries to integrate into the company's bro culture.

Purl arrives at BRO Capital and tries to integrate into the company's bro culture.

  • Purl is shown around the office and feels thrilled to work at BRO Capital.
  • Attempts to socialize with colleagues reveal a stark contrast between Purl and the others.
  • Purl makes an awkward joke, trying to fit into the office banter but receives a lukewarm response.

Chapter 2

Adjusting to Office Dynamics

1:09 - 2 min, 39 sec

Purl observes the office dynamics and the bro culture, feeling increasingly out of place.

Purl observes the office dynamics and the bro culture, feeling increasingly out of place.

  • Purl experiences the office routine and witnesses the casual interaction among male colleagues.
  • Feels left out during conversations filled with jokes and laughter that Purl cannot relate to.
  • Attempts to join in with humor and suggestions are met with confusion and dismissal.

Chapter 3

Exclusion and Realization

3:47 - 2 min, 53 sec

Purl realizes their exclusion from the group and contemplates their place in the company.

Purl realizes their exclusion from the group and contemplates their place in the company.

  • Purl is not invited to the team's social event, which emphasizes their feeling of isolation.
  • Colleagues leave for happy hour, overlooking Purl's presence and making Purl feel invisible.
  • Purl sits alone in the office, pondering the situation and the struggle to fit in.

Chapter 4

Cultural Shift with Lacy's Arrival

6:40 - 2 min, 2 sec

The arrival of Lacy marks the beginning of a cultural shift at BRO Capital.

The arrival of Lacy marks the beginning of a cultural shift at BRO Capital.

  • Lacy, another new employee, joins the company and Purl helps her adjust to the new environment.
  • Purl and Lacy start changing the office's culture, making it more inclusive and diverse.
  • Their presence and actions lead to a more welcoming atmosphere for everyone.