Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology

The video explains the concept of quantum computing, its potential applications, and how it compares to traditional computing.


  • Traditional computers have reached a physical limit as components approach the size of an atom; quantum physics introduces unpredictability at this scale.
  • Quantum computers utilize quantum properties to overcome these limitations. They use qubits, which can hold a superposition of both 0 and 1 at the same time, unlike traditional bits.
  • Qubits in superposition can hold all possible combinations of their state at once, and the number of combinations grows exponentially with each added qubit.
  • Quantum computers can leverage properties like superposition and entanglement to perform calculations exponentially more efficiently than traditional computers.
  • Quantum computers have applications in database searching, IT security, and simulations of quantum physics, potentially revolutionizing fields like medicine.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Limits of Traditional Computing

0:00 - 33 sec

This chapter discusses the evolution of human technology and the limitations of traditional computing due to the constraints of physics.

This chapter discusses the evolution of human technology and the limitations of traditional computing due to the constraints of physics.

  • Human technology has evolved from simple tools like fire and sharp sticks to complex machines like computers.
  • Computers have become smaller and more powerful over time, but this process is about to hit its physical limits.
  • As computer parts approach the size of an atom, quantum physics introduces unpredictability.

Chapter 2

Fundamentals of Traditional Computing

0:33 - 1 min, 4 sec

The workings of traditional computers are explained, from bits to logic gates and modules.

The workings of traditional computers are explained, from bits to logic gates and modules.

  • A computer is made up of simple components that represent and process data.
  • Components include bits, which can be set to either 0 or 1, and transistors, which act as switches for information flow.
  • Transistors combine to create logic gates, which in turn form modules capable of performing complex operations.

Chapter 3

Quantum Physics and Computing

1:37 - 1 min, 12 sec

This chapter describes how quantum physics challenges traditional computing and introduces the concept of quantum computers.

This chapter describes how quantum physics challenges traditional computing and introduces the concept of quantum computers.

  • As transistors shrink to the size of a few atoms, electrons can jump through blocked passages due to quantum tunneling.
  • In the quantum realm, physics works differently, causing traditional computers to lose their sense.
  • Scientists are trying to use quantum properties to their advantage by building quantum computers.

Chapter 4

Basics of Quantum Computing

2:49 - 1 min, 24 sec

The chapter explains the fundamental concepts of quantum computing, including qubits, superposition, and entanglement.

The chapter explains the fundamental concepts of quantum computing, including qubits, superposition, and entanglement.

  • Quantum computers use qubits, which can be in a superposition of both 0 and 1 at the same time.
  • Superposition allows a group of qubits to hold all possible combinations of their states at once, growing exponentially with each added qubit.
  • Qubits can also be entangled, meaning a change in one qubit's state will instantaneously affect the state of its partner, regardless of distance.

Chapter 5

Working of Quantum Computers

4:12 - 1 min, 8 sec

This chapter describes how quantum computers work, leveraging superposition and entanglement to perform calculations.

This chapter describes how quantum computers work, leveraging superposition and entanglement to perform calculations.

  • A quantum computer sets up some qubits, applies quantum gates to entangle them and manipulate probabilities, then measures the outcome.
  • This process allows for all possible calculations with the setup to be done simultaneously.
  • Despite this, the final measurement will only probably be the desired result, so checks may have to be repeated.

Chapter 6

Applications of Quantum Computing

5:20 - 1 min, 20 sec

The chapter discusses potential applications of quantum computing, including database searching, IT security, and quantum simulations.

The chapter discusses potential applications of quantum computing, including database searching, IT security, and quantum simulations.

  • Quantum computers can search databases more efficiently than traditional computers.
  • In IT security, quantum computers could break encryption systems currently considered secure.
  • Simulations of quantum physics could be performed more accurately with quantum computers, potentially leading to breakthroughs in fields like medicine.

Chapter 7

Conclusion and Acknowledgements

6:40 - 32 sec

The video concludes by acknowledging the uncertainty of the future of quantum computing and thanks the video's sponsors.

The video concludes by acknowledging the uncertainty of the future of quantum computing and thanks the video's sponsors.

  • It is currently unknown whether quantum computing will be a specialized tool or lead to a major technological revolution.
  • The video is supported by the Australian Academy of Science and the video's viewers on Patreon.

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