Series #3 - Episode 7: ICF PCC Marker 7 - Evokes Awareness

Peter J. Redding discusses the ICF's PCC markers, focusing on evoking awareness to enhance professional coaching.


  • Peter J. Redding presents a live streaming session discussing ICF's PCC markers, particularly focusing on evoking awareness.
  • He shares his experience of 25 years in professional coaching and coaching training, intending to give back to the community.
  • The session covers the ICF Core Competency Model, especially the sub-competencies involved in evoking awareness during coaching conversations.
  • Peter explains how a coach can facilitate client insight and learning through tools like powerful questioning, silence, metaphor, and analogy.
  • The discussion includes examples of what various coaching interactions may sound like and how they support the client's growth and awareness.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Session

0:13 - 46 sec

Peter J. Redding introduces the live streaming session on ICF's PCC markers.

Peter J. Redding introduces the live streaming session on ICF's PCC markers.

  • Peter J. Redding begins the live streaming session focused on ICF's PCC marker number seven, which addresses evoking awareness.
  • He shares his extensive background as a professional coach and coach trainer, highlighting his 25 years of experience.
  • Peter emphasizes his goal to pay it forward by sharing his knowledge and expertise in coaching with others.

Chapter 2

Understanding ICF's Core Competency Model

1:20 - 1 min, 25 sec

Peter breaks down the ICF's Core Competency Model and its sub-competencies related to evoking awareness.

Peter breaks down the ICF's Core Competency Model and its sub-competencies related to evoking awareness.

  • Peter explains that evoking awareness is one of the eight core competencies in the ICF model, with eight sub-competencies under it.
  • He details how a PCC-level coach should evoke awareness during coaching sessions and notes the absence of giving advice.
  • Highlighting the importance of the competencies, Peter points out that achieving a mark in the assessment for one sub-competency can also credit the coach for a different core competency.

Chapter 3

Diving into Sub-Competencies for Evoking Awareness

3:16 - 5 min, 30 sec

Exploration of sub-competencies 7.1 to 7.3, focusing on how coaches can evoke client awareness.

Exploration of sub-competencies 7.1 to 7.3, focusing on how coaches can evoke client awareness.

  • Sub-competency 7.1 involves the coach's ability to ask questions that explore the client's way of thinking, feeling, values, needs, wants, beliefs, or behaviors.
  • Sub-competency 7.2 encourages coaches to ask questions that help clients explore new or expanded ways of thinking or feeling about themselves.
  • Sub-competency 7.3 focuses on questions that allow clients to consider their situation and what they want to achieve, expanding their thinking or feeling about the situation.

Chapter 4

Further Exploration of Sub-Competencies

10:40 - 7 min, 6 sec

Continuation of the exploration of sub-competencies 7.3 to 7.5 for evoking client awareness.

Continuation of the exploration of sub-competencies 7.3 to 7.5 for evoking client awareness.

  • Sub-competency 7.3 is revisited with additional insights on how a coach can help a client explore their situation from different perspectives.
  • Sub-competency 7.4 addresses how a coach can encourage the client to think about the outcomes they desire and the impact of their current actions on achieving those outcomes.
  • Sub-competency 7.5 involves the coach sharing observations, intuitions, comments, thoughts, or feelings and inviting the client to explore these insights without attachment.

Chapter 5

Concluding Sub-Competencies and Supporting Client

17:51 - 43 min, 3 sec

Final thoughts on sub-competencies for evoking awareness and how they support the client's growth.

Final thoughts on sub-competencies for evoking awareness and how they support the client's growth.

  • Sub-competency 7.6 emphasizes the importance of asking clear, direct, and primarily open-ended questions one at a time, allowing space for client reflection.
  • Sub-competency 7.7 focuses on the coach using clear and concise language that is responsive to the client's needs and agenda.
  • Sub-competency 7.8 advocates for the coach to allow the client to do most of the talking, providing them with the opportunity to process and reflect on their thoughts and feelings.

Chapter 6

Closing Remarks and Q&A

61:20 - 58 sec

Peter wraps up the session, checks for questions, and invites viewers to the next session.

Peter wraps up the session, checks for questions, and invites viewers to the next session.

  • Peter concludes the session by summarizing the importance of the discussed competencies in supporting client growth.
  • He checks for any questions from the live audience on Facebook and Zoom, offering to respond to any queries after the session.
  • Peter announces the topic for next week's session, which will cover competency number eight, facilitating client growth.

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