Seven Keys to Good Storytelling | Josh Campbell | TEDxMemphis

TEDx Talks

TEDx Talks

8 min, 46 sec

The video discusses the importance of storytelling in everyday life and provides guidance on how to effectively tell a story.


  • Storytelling is an essential skill for various life situations, from work to personal events.
  • Everyone has a story to tell, and excuses like not having a story or not being funny enough are just barriers.
  • The video outlines seven keys to avoid bad storytelling and emphasizes the importance of preparation, naming names, and ending stories properly.
  • Details can be boring, and the moral of the story should be implicit to allow the audience to engage and interpret.
  • Practice is crucial to find one's voice and become the protagonist of one's own story.

Chapter 1

The Importance of Storytelling

0:15 - 44 sec

Introduces storytelling as an essential part of life and the need to prepare for storytelling opportunities.

Introduces storytelling as an essential part of life and the need to prepare for storytelling opportunities.

  • Storytelling opportunities like pitches, presentations, toasts, and eulogies are inevitable in life.
  • Preparation and practice are key to finding your voice and connecting with an audience.

Chapter 2

Overcoming the 'No Story' Barrier

1:02 - 36 sec

Addresses the common misconception that one might not have a story worth telling.

Addresses the common misconception that one might not have a story worth telling.

  • The speaker refutes the idea that people don't have stories to tell, emphasizing that everyone has a story.
  • The real issue is the belief that one's story may not be interesting to others.

Chapter 3

Engaging Your Audience

1:47 - 1 min, 11 sec

Highlights the importance of maintaining a connection with the audience during storytelling.

Highlights the importance of maintaining a connection with the audience during storytelling.

  • The audience's initial attention is guaranteed, but it is the storyteller's job to maintain that connection.
  • The speaker outlines the first key to storytelling: being prepared but flexible.

Chapter 4

Storytelling Keys: Humor and Naming Names

3:08 - 1 min, 0 sec

Discusses the roles of humor and specificity in storytelling.

Discusses the roles of humor and specificity in storytelling.

  • Being funny is not a prerequisite for good storytelling, and forced humor can damage audience connection.
  • Using real names in stories gives the storyteller power over the narrative and prevents others from controlling the story.

Chapter 5

Therapy Versus Storytelling

4:12 - 1 min, 7 sec

Differentiates between using storytelling as a therapeutic session and for engaging an audience.

Differentiates between using storytelling as a therapeutic session and for engaging an audience.

  • The audience should not be used to give closure to the storyteller.
  • Emotion is acceptable in storytelling, but the audience should feel empathy, not sympathy.

Chapter 6

Structure and Ending of Stories

5:19 - 1 min, 6 sec

Emphasizes the proper structure of stories and the significance of a strong ending.

Emphasizes the proper structure of stories and the significance of a strong ending.

  • Start the story at the true beginning and end at the natural ending without over-explaining.
  • Avoid moralizing after the story's conclusion, as it can diminish the impact.

Chapter 7

Keeping the Audience Engaged

6:26 - 1 min, 29 sec

Focuses on the relationship between the storyteller and the audience.

Focuses on the relationship between the storyteller and the audience.

  • Avoid unnecessary details and trust that the audience will understand shared human experiences.
  • Maintain the audience's favor by avoiding controversial statements unless vital to the story.

Chapter 8

The Secret Key to Storytelling

7:55 - 36 sec

Reveals that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to storytelling, and practice is essential.

Reveals that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to storytelling, and practice is essential.

  • Details, morals, and even offending the audience can be important depending on the context.
  • The only way to learn storytelling is through practice and finding one's own voice.

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