Sólo cambié mi actitud y todo cambió | Juan Bautista Segonds | TEDxSanIsidro

TEDx Talks

TEDx Talks

18 min, 21 sec

The speaker highlights the importance of attitude and gratitude in transforming one's life from a state of constant complaint and victimhood to one of joy and proactivity.


  • The speaker emphasizes how our emotions and thoughts emit powerful frequencies that can be measured and impact our reality.
  • Audience interaction reveals a disconnect between individual happiness and perceptions of societal well-being, leading to a discussion on 'crisis-oriented minds'.
  • Complaining, demanding, and having opinions are identified as national sports that contribute to a societal attitude of pessimism and stagnation.
  • The speaker urges a shift in attitude to become protagonists of our own lives, leading by example within our own 'square meter' of influence.
  • Real-life experiences are shared, emphasizing the realization of abundance over lack, and an exercise of gratitude concludes the talk.

Chapter 1

Opening Remarks and Pact with the Audience

0:00 - 1 min, 9 sec

The speaker greets the audience and proposes a pact to speak and listen from the heart.

The speaker greets the audience and proposes a pact to speak and listen from the heart.

  • The speaker starts by acknowledging the audience and expressing pleasure in being there.
  • A pact is made where the speaker will talk from the heart and encourages the audience to receive his words with an open heart.

Chapter 2

Societal Attitudes and Personal Happiness

1:11 - 1 min, 2 sec

The speaker interacts with the audience to contrast personal happiness with negative societal views.

The speaker interacts with the audience to contrast personal happiness with negative societal views.

  • The audience is asked about society's current state, eliciting negative responses such as 'separated', 'stressed', and 'confused'.
  • However, when asked about personal happiness, nearly all audience members raise their hands, revealing a dichotomy between individual and collective perceptions.

Chapter 3

The Crisis-Oriented Mind and National 'Sports'

2:15 - 2 min, 10 sec

The speaker describes the prevailing negative mindset in society and identifies the national sports of complaining, demanding, and having opinions.

The speaker describes the prevailing negative mindset in society and identifies the national sports of complaining, demanding, and having opinions.

  • The speaker labels the tendency to focus on negativity as having a 'crisis-oriented mind'.
  • Complaining about weather, traffic, or personal relationships is identified as a national sport.
  • Being demanders and opinionated about everything is seen as another common societal behavior.

Chapter 4

From Victimhood to Protagonism

4:27 - 3 min, 54 sec

The speaker argues the importance of changing one's attitude to move from a victim mentality to being a protagonist of one's life.

The speaker argues the importance of changing one's attitude to move from a victim mentality to being a protagonist of one's life.

  • The speaker discusses how a change in attitude can have a transformative effect on life.
  • By becoming protagonists, individuals can lead their lives and influence their 'square meter'.
  • The speaker shares his own journey from feeling like a victim to taking control and living with happiness and love.

Chapter 5

Leading by Example and Vibrating Positive Energy

8:23 - 2 min, 33 sec

The speaker encourages leading by example in our own space and emitting the energy we wish to experience in the world.

The speaker encourages leading by example in our own space and emitting the energy we wish to experience in the world.

  • The speaker stresses the importance of being a leader in one's own square meter and vibrating the energy of respect and love.
  • By emitting positive energy, we can infect others with optimism and solidarity.
  • The speaker shares anecdotes to illustrate the impact of emitting gratitude and love in everyday interactions.

Chapter 6

Transforming Attitude and Anchoring Gratitude

10:57 - 7 min, 11 sec

The speaker shares transformative experiences that illustrate the power of gratitude and invites the audience to an exercise of appreciation.

The speaker shares transformative experiences that illustrate the power of gratitude and invites the audience to an exercise of appreciation.

  • Experiences in the Gaza Strip and with a Palestinian child highlight how changing one's focus from lack to abundance can transform attitude.
  • An exercise is conducted where the audience lists things they're grateful for and then expresses that gratitude loudly and physically.
  • The speaker emphasizes that heaven and hell are decisions, not places, and encourages the audience to choose gratitude and joy.

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