Study: Full Fat Dairy is Good For You | Response

Mic the Vegan

Mic the Vegan

10 min, 19 sec

Mike critically examines claims about the health benefits of full-fat dairy, revealing industry biases and the study's methodological flaws.


  • Mike challenges the headlines celebrating full-fat dairy based on recent studies.
  • He explores potential conflicts of interest, such as industry funding and author biases.
  • He discusses methodological concerns, like overadjustment for variables like obesity.
  • He considers the broader context of the standard American diet and potential health risks from dairy.
  • Mike concludes that promoting full-fat dairy consumption based on these studies is misguided.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Full Fat Dairy Claims

0:00 - 46 sec

Mike introduces the topic by discussing the celebration of full-fat dairy in media and the intention to investigate the veracity of these claims.

Mike introduces the topic by discussing the celebration of full-fat dairy in media and the intention to investigate the veracity of these claims.

  • Media outlets publish headlines suggesting full-fat dairy is not linked to heart disease.
  • Mike expresses skepticism and plans to examine the study behind the headlines.

Chapter 2

Analyzing the Original Study

0:47 - 38 sec

Mike analyzes the original study, noting the mixed results and potential misreporting by articles.

Mike analyzes the original study, noting the mixed results and potential misreporting by articles.

  • The study finds no link between dairy fats and heart disease but mixed results on other health risks.
  • One particular fat linked to lower stroke risk is also associated with non-cardiovascular mortality.

Chapter 3

Questioning Potential Conflicts of Interest

1:25 - 46 sec

Mike investigates the potential conflicts of interest and biases of the study's authors.

Mike investigates the potential conflicts of interest and biases of the study's authors.

  • The lead author has disclosed conflicts of interest, including consulting for pharmaceutical companies.
  • There's concern over whether there's an undisclosed dairy industry relationship.

Chapter 4

Methodological Concerns

2:11 - 50 sec

Mike discusses how the study might have manipulated data through variable adjustments.

Mike discusses how the study might have manipulated data through variable adjustments.

  • Adjustments for obesity-related variables could potentially mask the negative effects of full-fat dairy.

Chapter 5

Broader Perspectives and Alternative Views

3:01 - 55 sec

Mike presents alternative perspectives and broader implications of the study's findings.

Mike presents alternative perspectives and broader implications of the study's findings.

  • David Katz, MD, argues that the study's conclusions are less significant within the context of the overall poor American diet.
  • The study's results might not apply to a diet that is already optimal.

Chapter 6

Criticizing Study Recommendations

3:56 - 53 sec

Mike criticizes the study authors for advocating changes to guidelines based on questionable results.

Mike criticizes the study authors for advocating changes to guidelines based on questionable results.

  • The study authors suggest removing guidelines against full-fat dairy, which Mike finds irresponsible.
  • The study even promotes a trans fat, which is known to raise LDL cholesterol levels.

Chapter 7

Negative Health Implications of Dairy

4:49 - 1 min, 1 sec

Mike discusses other research indicating negative health impacts of dairy consumption.

Mike discusses other research indicating negative health impacts of dairy consumption.

  • Dairy consumption has been associated with hormonal changes and increased risks of certain cancers.
  • The standard Western diet already includes early signs of cardiovascular disease in young children.

Chapter 8

Ethical Considerations and Final Thoughts

5:50 - 4 min, 20 sec

Mike concludes the video with ethical considerations and his final thoughts on the study and dairy consumption.

Mike concludes the video with ethical considerations and his final thoughts on the study and dairy consumption.

  • The dairy industry is inherently linked to the veal industry due to the treatment of calves.
  • Mike argues against the promotion of full-fat dairy based on flawed studies and stresses the health benefits of a whole-food vegan diet.

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