Super Mario RPG (dunkview)



5 min, 25 sec

The video is a detailed review of Super Mario RPG, exploring the game's features, pacing, and characters while reflecting on the RPG genre as a whole.


  • The reviewer shares their nostalgic experiences with RPGs like Paper Mario and Pokemon Yellow, emphasizing the rare occasions of finishing games.
  • Super Mario RPG's brief 12-hour gameplay is praised for its pacing and content richness, contrasting with longer contemporary RPGs.
  • The game introduces unique characters and elements that have not reappeared in other Mario games, highlighting missed opportunities for Nintendo.
  • Combat mechanics are commended for their timing intricacies and animations, offering a lively experience compared to other titles.
  • The remake's visuals and storytelling are lauded, with a wish expressed for similar treatment of Earthbound and an anticipation for a Chrono Trigger remake.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Super Mario RPG and RPG Gaming Experiences

0:00 - 30 sec

The reviewer reminisces about their past experiences with RPGs and expresses their anticipation for playing Super Mario RPG.

The reviewer reminisces about their past experiences with RPGs and expresses their anticipation for playing Super Mario RPG.

  • The reviewer has heard praise for Super Mario RPG but never completed it themselves.
  • Games like Paper Mario and Pokemon Yellow are mentioned as memorable RPG experiences from their childhood.
  • The challenge of finishing games is acknowledged, with many early games being too difficult, leading to repetitive play of initial levels.

Chapter 2

Super Mario RPG's Pacing and the Demands of the RPG Genre

0:30 - 1 min, 40 sec

The reviewer discusses the exceptional pacing of Super Mario RPG and the general time commitment required by RPGs.

The reviewer discusses the exceptional pacing of Super Mario RPG and the general time commitment required by RPGs.

  • Super Mario RPG's relatively short length is highlighted as a positive feature.
  • The investment of time in RPGs is discussed, with personal examples like the extended play of Persona 5 and the plethora of lengthy RPGs released recently.
  • The game's quick pacing and constant introduction of new elements are praised.

Chapter 3

Unique Characters and Missed Opportunities in Super Mario RPG

2:10 - 1 min, 28 sec

The video highlights the distinctive characters in Super Mario RPG and laments their absence in other Mario titles.

The video highlights the distinctive characters in Super Mario RPG and laments their absence in other Mario titles.

  • Characters like Gino, Mallow, and Boshi are viewed as great additions that never reappeared in the Mario franchise.
  • Booster and other one-off characters are mentioned with surprise at their exclusion from subsequent games.
  • The inclusion of unique enemies and bosses adds to the game's variety and charm.

Chapter 4

Combat Mechanics and Team Dynamics

3:38 - 29 sec

The engaging combat system and supportive team dynamics in Super Mario RPG are analyzed.

The engaging combat system and supportive team dynamics in Super Mario RPG are analyzed.

  • The timing of attacks and blocks is more challenging in Super Mario RPG compared to Paper Mario, offering a more engaging combat experience.
  • Different weapons require distinct timing, which adds to the gameplay's liveliness.
  • The game allows for dynamic party member swapping, ensuring a supportive team environment during battles.

Chapter 5

Visuals, Storytelling, and Final Thoughts

4:07 - 1 min, 17 sec

The video concludes with praise for the game's visuals and storytelling, and expresses a desire for similar remakes of other classic RPGs.

The video concludes with praise for the game's visuals and storytelling, and expresses a desire for similar remakes of other classic RPGs.

  • The visuals of the game are commended for staying true to the original style while incorporating modern enhancements.
  • Storytelling is described as low stakes and focused on humor, with interesting aspects coming from Square's characters.
  • The reviewer suggests Earthbound as a candidate for a similar remake and anticipates a Chrono Trigger remake.

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