System Design distributed web crawler to crawl Billions of web pages | web crawler system design

The video provides an in-depth explanation of designing a web crawler system, discussing its components, functions, storage solutions, and optimization strategies.


  • The speaker introduces the concept of a web crawler, its uses, components, and the system design to efficiently crawl and store web pages.
  • Key features of the crawler design include politeness, DNS queries, distributed crawling, priority crawling, and duplicate detection.
  • The scale of the web pages to be crawled is discussed, estimating around fifty billion pages, and strategies for storing such large amounts of data are considered.
  • The speaker explains how to ensure politeness and priority in crawling, how to detect updates and duplicates, and potential storage solutions for the crawled data.
  • Details on how to implement a URL frontier to manage the crawling queue, prioritization, and handling of updates and duplicates are provided.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Web Crawlers

0:00 - 40 sec

The speaker introduces web crawlers, their synonyms, and basic functions.

The speaker introduces web crawlers, their synonyms, and basic functions.

  • Web crawlers are also known as spiders, bots, or simply crawlers.
  • A web crawler is a framework, tool, or software used to collect web pages from the Internet for easy access and indexing.
  • The crawler saves the collected web pages and recursively finds URLs within those pages to continue the process.

Chapter 2

Types and Applications of Web Crawlers

0:42 - 2 min, 1 sec

Different types of web crawlers and their applications are discussed.

Different types of web crawlers and their applications are discussed.

  • There are various web crawlers with different applications, and individuals can build custom crawlers for specific purposes.
  • Common use cases include search engines, copyright violation detection, keyword-based content finding, web malware detection, and web analytics.
  • These functionalities cater to different industry needs such as providing search results, detecting unauthorized content use, monitoring market trends, and collecting data for machine learning models.

Chapter 3

Key Features of the Web Crawler Design

3:00 - 41 sec

The speaker outlines the essential features to support in the web crawler.

The speaker outlines the essential features to support in the web crawler.

  • Features include politeness (avoiding server overload), DNS queries, distributed crawling for scalability, priority crawling, and duplicate detection.
  • Politeness and crawl prioritization are crucial for respecting website traffic and fetching relevant content efficiently.
  • Duplicate detection is vital for avoiding unnecessary crawling of content already stored, saving resources and time.

Chapter 4

Scaling and Storage Considerations

3:41 - 2 min, 10 sec

Estimations for scaling the crawler and storage requirements are provided.

Estimations for scaling the crawler and storage requirements are provided.

  • An estimation of 900 million registered websites is considered, with an assumption that 60% are functional, leading to roughly 500 million websites to crawl.
  • On average, each website might contain about 100 pages, resulting in 50 billion pages to crawl and store.
  • The average size of a webpage and the storage capacity required to save the crawled pages are calculated, considering only necessary content is downloaded, not the entire media.

Chapter 5

System Design Diagram for the Crawler

6:30 - 1 min, 54 sec

A detailed system design diagram for the crawler is explained.

A detailed system design diagram for the crawler is explained.

  • The diagram includes seed URLs to initiate the crawl, a URL frontier queue for managing crawl order, and fetchers and renderers for retrieving and processing web content.
  • The system uses distributed threads or processes to fetch and render web pages concurrently and can scale by adding more machines.
  • The URL frontier ensures that politeness and priority features are maintained, while the DNS resolver optimizes the domain name resolution process.

Chapter 6

URL Frontier and Politeness Policy

8:23 - 13 min, 51 sec

The speaker elaborates on the URL frontier and the implementation of politeness policy.

The speaker elaborates on the URL frontier and the implementation of politeness policy.

  • The URL frontier consists of front queues and back queues, prioritizers, and back queue selectors to manage URL processing.
  • Each back queue corresponds to a specific host to ensure only one connection to a host at a time, maintaining politeness by not overwhelming servers.
  • The system uses heaps to keep track of which URL to crawl next based on priority and delay between requests to the same host.

Chapter 7

Update Detection and Duplicate Handling

22:15 - 16 min, 18 sec

Methods for detecting updates and handling duplicates are discussed.

Methods for detecting updates and handling duplicates are discussed.

  • Head requests are used to check if a page has been updated by comparing the last modified time without downloading the entire content.
  • Duplicate detection is crucial to save resources and is conducted using hashing, signature calculations, and algorithms such as Simhash for near-duplicate detection.
  • The Simhash algorithm provides a way to identify near-duplicate documents even when a certain percentage of content is different.

Chapter 8

Storage Solutions for Crawled Data

38:33 - 7 min, 23 sec

Various storage solutions for the crawled data are suggested.

Various storage solutions for the crawled data are suggested.

  • Storage solutions like Amazon S3, MinIO, Bigtable, GFS, HDFS, and their alternatives like HDFS Federation are considered for storing crawled web pages.
  • The choice of storage solution depends on the size of the data, with considerations for efficient retrieval and optimal resource usage.
  • Sharding and consistent hashing are recommended for managing large amounts of data across distributed file systems.

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