The Blueprint for Achieving Your Goals 🎯

The speaker introduces the GPS strategy, which stands for Goal, Plan, System, as a method to achieve various objectives such as building a business or starting a podcast.


  • The GPS strategy is a newly developed method that is not covered in the speaker's book.
  • The strategy consists of setting a goal, creating a plan to achieve it, and establishing a system to ensure the plan's execution.
  • Struggles in achieving goals can be attributed to issues with the goal itself, the plan, or the system.
  • The speaker offers to help identify and solve these issues to assist in goal attainment.

Chapter 1

Unveiling the GPS Strategy

0:00 - 7 sec

The speaker unveils the GPS strategy, a new concept not included in the book, designed to aid in achieving goals.

The speaker unveils the GPS strategy, a new concept not included in the book, designed to aid in achieving goals.

  • The GPS strategy was developed over the past few months and is not found in the speaker's book.
  • GPS stands for Goal, Plan, System, which are the three key components of the strategy.

Chapter 2

Explaining the GPS Components

0:07 - 11 sec

The speaker explains each part of the GPS strategy: setting a goal, planning the steps to get there, and implementing a system for execution.

The speaker explains each part of the GPS strategy: setting a goal, planning the steps to get there, and implementing a system for execution.

  • A goal is the objective one aims to achieve, such as starting a business or getting married.
  • A plan consists of the steps or moves believed to lead to the goal.
  • A system ensures that the individual follows through with the plan.

Chapter 3

Identifying Issues in Goal Achievement

0:18 - 11 sec

The speaker discusses common problems that hinder goal achievement, related to the goal, plan, or system.

The speaker discusses common problems that hinder goal achievement, related to the goal, plan, or system.

  • Issues with goal achievement can stem from an unclear or unrealistic goal.
  • Problems with the plan may arise if the strategy is ineffective.
  • System issues occur when one knows the goal and plan but fails to take action.

Chapter 4

Offering Assistance in Goal Achievement

0:29 - 3 sec

The speaker proposes to help the audience by identifying and addressing issues in their GPS strategy.

The speaker proposes to help the audience by identifying and addressing issues in their GPS strategy.

  • The speaker aims to help the audience figure out a way to effectively employ the GPS strategy.
  • Assistance is offered to address any struggles related to the goal, plan, or system.

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