The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - June 28, 2024

Dr. Eric Berg DC

Dr. Eric Berg DC

60 min, 52 sec

Dr. Berg conducts a Q&A session, answers various health-related questions, discusses nutritional topics, and provides insights on diet and wellness.


  • Dr. Berg addresses questions on melatonin sources, effects of niacin on insulin resistance, advice for post-gastric sleeve surgery diet, eggshells as a calcium source, remedies to lower platelets, and the impact of an enlarged prostate on kidney function.
  • He emphasizes the benefits of the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, the importance of vitamin D, and the role of bile salts for those without a gallbladder.
  • He provides advice on managing blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, and the importance of high-quality protein intake.
  • Dr. Berg discusses the deceptive marketing strategies in grocery stores and the high profitability of cereal products due to low ingredient costs compared to packaging.
  • He informs viewers about the relationship between skin color and vitamin D absorption, and the effects of certain vitamin B3 supplements on mitochondrial health.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Q&A and Melatonin Sources

0:15 - 1 min, 27 sec

Dr. Berg welcomes viewers to the Q&A session and discusses melatonin sources.

Dr. Berg welcomes viewers to the Q&A session and discusses melatonin sources.

  • Dr. Berg starts the Q&A session and mentions that his advice should not replace medical care.
  • Josephine asks for a recommendation on a good source of melatonin. Dr. Berg doesn't have a brand to recommend but suggests finding a brand with good reviews.
  • He explains that melatonin can be obtained through exposure to infrared from the sun.

Chapter 2

Niacin and Insulin Resistance

2:22 - 44 sec

Dr. Berg clarifies misconceptions about niacin causing insulin resistance.

Dr. Berg clarifies misconceptions about niacin causing insulin resistance.

  • A question is raised regarding high doses of niacin causing insulin resistance, which Dr. Berg refutes.
  • He explains that niacin helps the Krebs cycle in the mitochondria by making NAD, a compound important for longevity and not related to insulin resistance.

Chapter 3

Dietary Advice Post-Gastric Sleeve Surgery

3:06 - 53 sec

Dr. Berg provides dietary advice for individuals who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery.

Dr. Berg provides dietary advice for individuals who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery.

  • Caitlyn seeks advice on diet after gastric sleeve surgery. Dr. Berg suggests watching his video on the topic for detailed advice.
  • He highlights the importance of being aware of potential nutrient deficiencies, particularly in hydrochloric acid, bile, vitamin B12, and trace minerals, due to altered digestion.

Chapter 4

Eggshells as a Nutrient Source and Lowering Platelets

3:59 - 1 min, 20 sec

Dr. Berg discusses the use of eggshells as a source of calcium and natural remedies to lower platelets.

Dr. Berg discusses the use of eggshells as a source of calcium and natural remedies to lower platelets.

  • D Price asks about adding eggshells to the diet for nutrients. Dr. Berg does not recommend eggshells for calcium intake and prefers using them in the garden.
  • Janice on YouTube inquires about natural remedies to lower platelets. Dr. Berg suggests certain supplements like resveratrol and tocotrienol but advises consulting with a doctor for a personalized approach.

Chapter 5

Prostate Health and Kidney Function

5:19 - 1 min, 3 sec

Dr. Berg addresses concerns about enlarged prostate affecting kidney function.

Dr. Berg addresses concerns about enlarged prostate affecting kidney function.

  • Jacqueline asks if an enlarged prostate can negatively affect the kidneys. Dr. Berg confirms that it can due to the back pressure of urine, which may lead to enlarged kidneys.
  • He suggests monitoring urine flow and making dietary adjustments, such as reducing dairy intake, to help alleviate symptoms.

Chapter 6

Audience Questions and Hydrogen Water

6:21 - 3 min, 14 sec

Dr. Berg responds to a variety of health questions from the audience and shares his thoughts on hydrogen water.

Dr. Berg responds to a variety of health questions from the audience and shares his thoughts on hydrogen water.

  • Elona inquires about hydrogen water devices and drinking hydrogen water. Dr. Berg finds it interesting and plans to do a video on the topic.
  • He indicates that hydrogen is a modulator and can help control various functions in the body, potentially offering therapeutic benefits.

Chapter 7

Protein Intake for Muscle Building

9:35 - 1 min, 21 sec

Dr. Berg advises on the appropriate amount of protein intake for muscle building.

Dr. Berg advises on the appropriate amount of protein intake for muscle building.

  • Mel and her husband have started lifting weights and are curious about how much protein they should add to their diet.
  • Dr. Berg recommends experimenting to find the right balance but suggests using the size of the palm of the hand as a guideline for protein portions.

Chapter 8

Hidden Ingredients in Foods

10:56 - 1 min, 51 sec

Dr. Berg discusses hidden ingredients in foods, focusing on the use of sawdust as a filler.

Dr. Berg discusses hidden ingredients in foods, focusing on the use of sawdust as a filler.

  • Dr. Berg reveals that sawdust, labeled as cellulose, is used as a filler in many food products, including shredded cheeses and junk foods.
  • He explains that while cellulose is a type of plant fiber, it is not digestible by humans and is better suited for garden use rather than consumption.

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