The global coffee crisis is coming



11 min, 34 sec

The video discusses the popularity of coffee, the threats posed by climate change to coffee cultivation, and the socioeconomic impacts on coffee farmers, particularly in Colombia.


  • Coffee is a globally popular beverage with significant cultural and economic implications, especially in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
  • Climate change is affecting coffee-growing regions, threatening the livelihood of millions of smallholder farmers and the coffee industry.
  • Colombia, a major coffee producer, is experiencing the consequences of climate change, with rising temperatures and pests affecting crops.
  • The dissolution of the International Coffee Agreement has led to price fluctuations and financial instability for coffee farmers.
  • Efforts to combat the effects of climate change on coffee cultivation are hindered by economic constraints, risking the culture and industry.

Chapter 1

The Importance of Coffee and Emerging Crisis

0:01 - 31 sec

The segment introduces coffee as a popular beverage and outlines the crisis facing coffee-growing regions due to climate change.

The segment introduces coffee as a popular beverage and outlines the crisis facing coffee-growing regions due to climate change.

  • Coffee is an immensely popular plant that takes 3-4 years to grow and goes through several processes to become the beverage consumed worldwide.
  • The coffee plant's growth is limited to specific regions, which are shrinking due to man-made climate change.
  • Climate change impacts are evident in Colombia, a major coffee producer.

Chapter 2

Coffee Varieties and Growing Conditions

1:14 - 47 sec

This section describes the two main species of coffee, their taste profiles, and the precise growing conditions they require.

  • Over a hundred species of coffee exist, but Robusta and Arabica are the most cultivated, with Arabica considered higher quality.
  • The Arabica plant is sensitive and requires specific temperatures, rainfall, and elevation to flourish.

Chapter 3

Colombia's Coffee Industry and Climate Change Effects

2:28 - 1 min, 56 sec

The impact of climate change on Colombia's coffee industry, including the rise in temperatures and new challenges for farmers, is highlighted.

The impact of climate change on Colombia's coffee industry, including the rise in temperatures and new challenges for farmers, is highlighted.

  • Climate change has warmed Colombia's coffee region, affecting the quality and quantity of coffee beans produced.
  • Pests and fungi such as coffee rust are thriving in the warmer climate, further threatening coffee crops.
  • The land suitable for coffee cultivation is decreasing, with projections showing worsening conditions.

Chapter 4

Economic History and Challenges of Colombian Coffee

4:58 - 2 min, 2 sec

This chapter explores the history of coffee farming in Colombia, the economic boom, and the subsequent challenges faced by smallholder farmers.

This chapter explores the history of coffee farming in Colombia, the economic boom, and the subsequent challenges faced by smallholder farmers.

  • Colombia's coffee industry was historically shaped by high demand and was once dominated by large plantations.
  • Economic crashes and government intervention led to the rise of smallholder farms.
  • The disintegration of the International Coffee Agreement has caused price instability, impacting the ability of farmers to cope with climate change.

Chapter 5

Adaptation to Climate Change and Economic Hurdles

8:03 - 14 sec

The segment discusses the strategies that coffee farmers can use to adapt to climate change and the financial barriers they face.

The segment discusses the strategies that coffee farmers can use to adapt to climate change and the financial barriers they face.

  • Farmers can use shade trees, relocate crops to higher elevations, or switch to resistant coffee varieties to mitigate climate change effects.
  • These adaptive measures are costly and many smallholder farmers lack the financial resources needed to implement them.

Chapter 6

The Collapse of Coffee Prices and Its Impact

8:36 - 42 sec

This chapter explains the collapse of coffee prices due to market oversupply and the impact on Colombian farmers' ability to sustain their crops.

This chapter explains the collapse of coffee prices due to market oversupply and the impact on Colombian farmers' ability to sustain their crops.

  • The fall of the coffee agreement and the influx of cheap coffee from Asia has led to volatile prices and financial crises for farmers.
  • Government subsidies have not been enough to establish a stable price minimum, leaving farmers vulnerable.

Chapter 7

The Global Impact and Cultural Threat

9:52 - 1 min, 2 sec

This final segment discusses the worldwide impact of the coffee crisis on smallholder farmers and the potential loss of coffee culture.

This final segment discusses the worldwide impact of the coffee crisis on smallholder farmers and the potential loss of coffee culture.

  • The coffee crisis is not unique to Colombia; it affects smallholder farmers globally who are struggling with poverty and climate change.
  • Without an increase in coffee prices and financial support, small farms are at risk, endangering the culture in coffee regions like the Zona Cafetera.

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