The NDTV Dialogues With Economist Neelkanth Mishra



31 min, 10 sec

A detailed discussion on India's economic trajectory, challenges, and potential, featuring insights from economist Neil K Mishra.


  • Neil K Mishra discusses the potential and challenges of India's economy, emphasizing the need for sustained growth before the population ages.
  • He highlights the importance of real estate cycle, service exports, deleveraging process, and improvement in macro infrastructure for economic growth.
  • Mishra warns against complacency and underscores the necessity for dynamic policy changes and hard work for continued growth.
  • The conversation also covers topics such as the role of the state versus the private sector, political stability, and the potential impact of global economic volatility on India.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Guest Background

0:00 - 31 sec

Introduction to the NDTV dialogues and guest Neil K Mishra's background.

Introduction to the NDTV dialogues and guest Neil K Mishra's background.

  • Neil K Mishra introduced as the chief economist at Axis Bank, adviser to the government, part of the PM's economic advisory Council, and chairman of Aadhar.
  • Acknowledgement of Mishra's busy schedule and diverse roles.

Chapter 2

India's Economic Vision and Growth Potential

0:30 - 56 sec

Discussion on India's economic vision, the projected growth, and why it is considered India's century.

Discussion on India's economic vision, the projected growth, and why it is considered India's century.

  • India is seen as the growth story of the decade and is considered India's century.
  • Mishra expresses caution about such labels and emphasizes the necessity for India to achieve wealth before the population ages.
  • He identifies a 30-year window for India to maximize growth and avoid the pitfalls experienced by countries like China and Thailand.

Chapter 3

Key Factors for India's Growth in the Near Future

1:26 - 2 min, 45 sec

Analysis of the factors contributing to India's positive growth outlook in the next five to seven years.

Analysis of the factors contributing to India's positive growth outlook in the next five to seven years.

  • Mishra explains that the real estate cycle is turning, with a delayed recovery now taking place, which should lead to strong growth trends.
  • He discusses the substantial improvements in India's service exports, moving from basic IT work to high-end software and services.
  • The deleveraging process over the past decade has cleaned up the financial balance sheets, preparing India for future growth.

Chapter 4

Improvements in Infrastructure and State vs. Private Sector

4:11 - 1 min, 11 sec

Infrastructural improvements and the evolving relationship between the state and the private sector.

Infrastructural improvements and the evolving relationship between the state and the private sector.

  • Mishra notes the improvements in macro infrastructure, such as highways and broadband, and the cleaning up of the power distribution system.
  • He stresses the importance of the balance between state and private sector, with the state now taking a supportive role for private sector growth.

Chapter 5

Political Stability and Economic Reforms

5:22 - 1 min, 10 sec

The role of political stability in economic growth and the balance between welfare schemes and economic development.

The role of political stability in economic growth and the balance between welfare schemes and economic development.

  • Political stability is discussed as a key factor for India to become the third-largest economy.
  • Mishra addresses the narrative that markets are anti-welfare and the necessity for economic reforms to be accompanied by political stability.

Chapter 6

Addressing Economic Inequality and Freebies Culture

6:32 - 1 min, 10 sec

Discussion on economic inequality, the culture of freebies, and the allocation of resources in India.

Discussion on economic inequality, the culture of freebies, and the allocation of resources in India.

  • The conversation shifts to economic inequality and the impact of freebies on resources allocation and job creation.
  • Mishra suggests that reducing freebies could lead to job growth as companies become more globally competitive.

Chapter 7

Caste Dynamics and Representation

7:42 - 1 min, 44 sec

Exploring the dynamics of caste and representation in India's economy.

Exploring the dynamics of caste and representation in India's economy.

  • The topic of caste representation and proportionality in reservations is touched upon, with Mishra expressing his reluctance to delve into areas outside his expertise.

Chapter 8

Indian Markets and Investor Outlook

9:26 - 1 min, 49 sec

Analysis of the Indian stock market's performance and investor outlook.

Analysis of the Indian stock market's performance and investor outlook.

  • Mishra provides his perspective on the Indian markets, noting that while they have outperformed many others, future returns may be subdued due to stretched valuation multiples.

Chapter 9

India vs China Economic Comparison

11:15 - 1 min, 23 sec

Comparing the economic models of India and China and their global impact.

Comparing the economic models of India and China and their global impact.

  • The comparison between India and China's economic models is discussed, with Mishra expecting China to grow slowly rather than collapse.
  • The potential impact of the US economy on the global market is also a concern, with possible repercussions for India.

Chapter 10

Challenges and Unemployment Concerns

12:37 - 1 min, 47 sec

Identifying potential challenges for India's economy, including energy dependency and unemployment.

Identifying potential challenges for India's economy, including energy dependency and unemployment.

  • Mishra outlines risks such as India's dependence on imported energy and the impact of global financial market volatility.
  • The challenge of high youth unemployment is also discussed, with the need for job creation to match the aspirations of India's young population.

Chapter 11

Final Thoughts on India's Transformation

14:25 - 16 min, 43 sec

Mishra's final thoughts on the indicators of India's macroeconomic changes at the micro level.

Mishra's final thoughts on the indicators of India's macroeconomic changes at the micro level.

  • Mishra concludes with his observations on the ambition, aspiration, and acceptance of economic growth as key indicators of India's transformation.
  • He comments on the change in mindsets, particularly among the bureaucracy and youth, towards entrepreneurship and market-driven growth.

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