The Savings Expert: “Do Not Buy A House!” Do THIS Instead! - Morgan Housel

The Diary Of A CEO

The Diary Of A CEO

117 min, 26 sec

Summarizing a conversation on wealth, investing, and the enduring principles of financial success.


  • The discussion emphasizes the significance of humility, patience, and the acceptance of life's unpredictability in achieving and maintaining wealth.
  • Tales of individuals who gained and lost fortunes illustrate the need for financial endurance and the dangers of overconfidence.
  • Advice for those considering buying a house for investment purposes is shared, cautioning against it if financial gain is the sole motivation.
  • The power of storytelling is highlighted as a crucial tool in influencing and remembering information.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Morgan Housel

0:00 - 3 min, 4 sec

Introducing Morgan Housel, author of 'The Psychology of Money'.

Introducing Morgan Housel, author of 'The Psychology of Money'.

  • Morgan Housel is recognized for his bestselling book on finance and wealth-building strategies.
  • He has insights into the behaviors and psychology that contribute to building and maintaining wealth.
  • Housel's work provides a detailed look into the financial decisions that shape our lives.

Chapter 2

The Power of Storytelling in Finance

3:04 - 114 min, 21 sec

Discusses the influence of storytelling in financial decision-making.

Discusses the influence of storytelling in financial decision-making.

  • The best narrative often sways financial decisions rather than the most accurate or rational idea.
  • People are more likely to believe and remember stories that align with their desires or fears.
  • Examples include Ken Burns' documentaries and comedic storytelling.

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