The Science of Making & Breaking Habits | Huberman Lab Podcast #53
Andrew Huberman
110 min, 39 sec
A detailed exploration of the biology and psychology behind habit formation and breaking.
- Discusses the neurobiology of habits, including the biology of habit formation and breaking.
- Explains the importance of limbic friction and context dependence in habit strength.
- Introduces two programs: a phase system based on daily timeframes for habit formation and a 21-day habit formation challenge.
- Outlines strategies for breaking habits by creating temporal mismatches and replacement behaviors.
Chapter 1

An introduction to the topic of habits and their significance in our lives.
- Habits allow us to perform actions reflexively without much thought, making everyday activities easier.
- Some habits can be detrimental to our health and goals, so it's essential to understand how to form beneficial habits and break harmful ones.

Chapter 2

Exploring the scientific underpinnings of habits from the perspective of neuroscience and psychology.
- Habits are learned behaviors involving neuroplasticity, which creates new neural circuits.
- Distinguishes between goal-based and identity-based habits.
- Explains the variability in time it takes different individuals to form the same habit.

Chapter 3

Providing actionable steps for habit formation.
- Outlines explicit steps for forming habits based on neuroscience and psychology.
- Offers a program that includes getting sunlight, exercising, and managing caffeine intake to increase the likelihood of forming new habits.

Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Introducing a phase-based system for categorizing habits throughout the day.
- Phase one (0-8 hours after waking) is action-focused and ideal for overcoming limbic friction.
- Phase two (9-14 hours after waking) supports relaxation and habits requiring less conscious override.
- Phase three (16-24 hours after waking) is for deep rest and consolidation of learning.

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