The secrets of learning a new language | Lýdia Machová | TED



10 min, 46 sec

The video explores the techniques and secrets of polyglots in learning multiple languages efficiently and enjoyably.


  • The speaker shares their personal experience and curiosity about how polyglots learn languages so rapidly.
  • Various polyglots use different methods, but all share the common trait of enjoying the process of learning.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of effective learning methods, creating a system, and having patience for language learning.
  • Success stories of polyglots who found their unique learning methods after years of struggle demonstrate that anyone can learn new languages with the right approach.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Language Learning Passion

0:13 - 20 sec

The speaker expresses their passion for learning foreign languages and sets the stage for the audience's curiosity about language learning secrets.

The speaker expresses their passion for learning foreign languages and sets the stage for the audience's curiosity about language learning secrets.

  • The speaker loves learning new languages, currently on their eighth one.
  • People often inquire about the secret to the speaker's ability to learn languages rapidly.
  • The speaker's initial response was a simple love for learning languages, but this answer did not satisfy inquirers.

Chapter 2

Exploration of Polyglot Learning Methods

0:33 - 42 sec

The speaker explores various polyglot language learning techniques and realizes a common enjoyment in the process.

The speaker explores various polyglot language learning techniques and realizes a common enjoyment in the process.

  • The speaker wondered how other polyglots learn languages and what they have in common.
  • Polyglot events around the world became a venue to discover different learning methods.
  • Benny from Ireland starts speaking a new language from day one, while Lucas from Brazil uses Skype to practice Russian.

Chapter 3

Diversity in Language Learning Techniques

1:15 - 1 min, 6 sec

The speaker encounters a wide array of learning techniques among polyglots, highlighting personalized approaches to language learning.

The speaker encounters a wide array of learning techniques among polyglots, highlighting personalized approaches to language learning.

  • Polyglots employ a variety of methods, such as imitating sounds or learning the most frequent words.
  • Despite different approaches, all polyglots achieve fluency in multiple languages.
  • The speaker identifies enjoyment of the learning process as a key commonality.

Chapter 4

Joy in Language Learning

2:21 - 56 sec

The speaker discovers that joy and pleasure in learning activities are the true secrets behind successful language acquisition.

The speaker discovers that joy and pleasure in learning activities are the true secrets behind successful language acquisition.

  • Polyglots enjoy their learning activities, whether using apps, cooking with foreign recipes, or reading favorite books in another language.
  • The speaker relates to this by sharing experiences of reading 'Harry Potter' in Spanish and watching 'Friends' in German.
  • Enjoyment leads to persistent learning and significant progress over time.

Chapter 5

Effective Methods and Creating a Learning System

3:17 - 1 min, 31 sec

The speaker outlines the importance of using effective methods and integrating language learning into daily routines.

The speaker outlines the importance of using effective methods and integrating language learning into daily routines.

  • Effective methods like spaced repetition are crucial for long-term retention of vocabulary.
  • Creating a system to learn languages amidst a busy life involves integrating practice into daily activities.
  • Patience is necessary for fluency, but progress can be made quickly with consistent, enjoyable practice.

Chapter 6

Polyglot Success Stories

4:48 - 5 min, 51 sec

The speaker shares inspiring stories of polyglots who overcame initial struggles by finding personal enjoyment in language learning.

The speaker shares inspiring stories of polyglots who overcame initial struggles by finding personal enjoyment in language learning.

  • Benny and Lucas, once struggling learners, became proficient in multiple languages by discovering methods that worked for them.
  • These anecdotal successes suggest that anyone can learn a language with the right approach.
  • The speaker encourages those who have given up on language learning to try again with a new, enjoyable method.

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