the thing no one will say about Apple Vision Pro



10 min, 37 sec

The video details the experience of using the new Apple Vision Pro in New York City, highlighting its potential as the future of computing.


  • The video begins with a casual conversation about a review and transitions to an in-depth exploration of the Apple Vision Pro.
  • The narrator tests the Apple Vision Pro's functionality in various environments, including walking through the city and riding the subway.
  • Several issues such as tracking failure when moving too quickly and difficulties with certain applications like Safari are mentioned.
  • The narrator experiences a profound moment in Times Square, realizing the potential of spatial computing in integrating digital and physical worlds.
  • The video concludes with the narrator's belief that despite its current imperfections, Apple Vision Pro represents the future of computing interfaces.

Chapter 1

Starting the Review

0:10 - 32 sec

The video begins with a preparation for a product review and a brief comparison to another reviewer's take on the product.

The video begins with a preparation for a product review and a brief comparison to another reviewer's take on the product.

  • The conversation opens with a light-hearted exchange about creating a review.
  • Another reviewer, Marquez Brownlee, is mentioned as having a fantastic review of the same product.

Chapter 2

First Impressions and Meeting a Friend

0:42 - 34 sec

The narrator shares initial reactions to the Apple Vision Pro and meets a friend to discuss the product.

The narrator shares initial reactions to the Apple Vision Pro and meets a friend to discuss the product.

  • The narrator has had the device for a short time and explores its features such as disappearing windows while walking.
  • A friend is introduced, who comments on the device's appearance and functionality.

Chapter 3

Exploring the City with Apple Vision Pro

1:15 - 53 sec

The narrator explores the city's environment with the Apple Vision Pro, encountering limitations and unique experiences.

The narrator explores the city's environment with the Apple Vision Pro, encountering limitations and unique experiences.

  • The device has issues with tracking when there is too much motion, such as on a subway.
  • The narrator experiences the novelty of watching videos and receiving messages while in transit.

Chapter 4

Technical Difficulties and Social Interactions

2:08 - 57 sec

The narrator encounters technical difficulties and interacts with bystanders while wearing the Apple Vision Pro.

The narrator encounters technical difficulties and interacts with bystanders while wearing the Apple Vision Pro.

  • Problems arise with application functionality, including Safari not opening.
  • Bystanders react to the narrator wearing the Apple Vision Pro, leading to social interactions.

Chapter 5

Spatial Computing in Time Square

3:06 - 1 min, 25 sec

The narrator describes a profound experience with spatial computing while sitting in Times Square.

The narrator describes a profound experience with spatial computing while sitting in Times Square.

  • The narrator is immersed in digital experiences while surrounded by the real-world environment of Times Square.
  • The experience is described as a glimpse into the future of computing.

Chapter 6

Reflection on the Future of Computing

4:30 - 44 sec

The narrator reflects on the broader implications of the Apple Vision Pro for the future of computing.

The narrator reflects on the broader implications of the Apple Vision Pro for the future of computing.

  • The narrator speculates that devices like the Apple Vision Pro will become the future interface for all computing.
  • A vision is shared where the technology becomes as commonplace and integral as smartphones are today.

Chapter 7

Concluding Thoughts and Recommendations

5:15 - 5 min, 19 sec

The video concludes with the narrator's thoughts on the Apple Vision Pro and its significance for the future.

The video concludes with the narrator's thoughts on the Apple Vision Pro and its significance for the future.

  • The narrator acknowledges the device's current flaws but emphasizes its revolutionary potential.
  • A recommendation is made to watch Apple as a company due to the innovative nature of the product.

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