The Truth About Law of Attraction | Rakul Preet Singh & Sadhguru



10 min, 46 sec

The video explores how individuals can take control of their destiny by transcending the limitations of their logical mind, understanding the law of attraction, and the significance of being human.


  • The speaker discusses the concept of the law of attraction and how the universe responds to an individual's positive signals.
  • A comparison is made between the simple, compulsive cycles of animals and the ability of humans to conduct their lives consciously.
  • It is emphasized that by conducting thoughts and emotions consciously, individuals can maintain blissfulness regardless of external circumstances.
  • The significance of personal responsibility is highlighted, stating that individuals should take charge of themselves rather than trying to control external situations or others.
  • The speaker contests the conventional understanding of the law of attraction, suggesting that happiness and success are not about the universe responding to our desires but about being at ease with oneself.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Law of Attraction

0:03 - 48 sec

The speaker introduces the concept of the law of attraction and poses questions about its functioning and the role of the universe.

The speaker introduces the concept of the law of attraction and poses questions about its functioning and the role of the universe.

  • The law of attraction is explained as a response of the universe to an individual's signals.
  • Questions are raised about the direction and recipient of the positive signals sent by individuals.
  • A distinction is made between attraction among opposites, like magnets, and the idea of attracting things from the universe.

Chapter 2

Destiny and Human Significance

0:51 - 1 min, 26 sec

The speaker explores the human potential to consciously shape one's destiny, differentiating it from the compulsive cycles of animals.

The speaker explores the human potential to consciously shape one's destiny, differentiating it from the compulsive cycles of animals.

  • Humans have the unique ability to transcend their logical mind and shape their destiny.
  • The significance of being human is in conducting life consciously, unlike animals driven by compulsion.
  • By consciously controlling thoughts and actions, individuals can achieve a state of blissfulness.

Chapter 3

Blissfulness and Life's Pursuits

2:17 - 1 min, 13 sec

The discussion emphasizes that maintaining a state of blissfulness should be independent of life's external outcomes.

The discussion emphasizes that maintaining a state of blissfulness should be independent of life's external outcomes.

  • Being blissful is a state that should not be contingent on external achievements or recognition.
  • Blissfulness allows for a life of perception and ease, not swayed by success or failure in material pursuits.
  • If one's thought and emotion are under control, one can remain blissful regardless of life's circumstances.

Chapter 4

Taking Charge of One's Destiny

3:30 - 3 min, 1 sec

The speaker discusses how individuals are already in control of their destiny to a large extent and the importance of personal responsibility.

The speaker discusses how individuals are already in control of their destiny to a large extent and the importance of personal responsibility.

  • The speaker asserts that most people's desires are fulfilled, but they often focus on the unfulfilled aspects.
  • It is easier to take charge of oneself than to control others or external situations.
  • Personal happiness and destiny are mainly determined by one's own actions and state of being.

Chapter 5

Transcending the Law of Attraction

6:31 - 2 min, 39 sec

The speaker challenges the traditional understanding of the law of attraction, advocating for inner contentment over external validation.

The speaker challenges the traditional understanding of the law of attraction, advocating for inner contentment over external validation.

  • The law of attraction is questioned, and the importance of being blissful in any situation is highlighted.
  • The speaker argues that the pursuit of individual happiness should not depend on external circumstances or others' approval.
  • The focus is shifted from influencing the universe to achieving a state of ease and pleasantness within oneself.

Chapter 6

The Universe Within and the Spiritual Process

9:10 - 1 min, 32 sec

The speaker concludes by relating the discussion to spirituality and the notion of the universe within.

The speaker concludes by relating the discussion to spirituality and the notion of the universe within.

  • The concept of the universe responding to individual desires is deemed impractical, and the idea of a spiritual process beginning within is introduced.
  • The vastness of the universe is compared to the potential within an individual, with a reference to Adi Yogi's teaching.
  • Transcending the limitations of the logical mind can lead to a perception where time and space converge, and the spiritual journey begins.

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