There Are Thousands of Alien Empires in The Milky Way

The video explores the possibility of alien empires in the Milky Way, comparing space colonization to Polynesian navigation, and considering the difficulties of sustaining interstellar civilizations.


  • The video speculates on the existence of alien empires and the absence of contact with Earth, proposing that space colonization might be inherently difficult.
  • It draws parallels between the challenges faced by Polynesian navigators and potential interstellar travel by alien civilizations.
  • The video discusses the harsh conditions on most planets, the economic impracticality of colonizing them, and the potential rise and fall of galactic empires.
  • It considers Earth's possible isolation as a reason for no contact with alien civilizations and the likelihood of diverse civilizations in other parts of the galaxy.
  • The video concludes with a discussion on media bias and introduces Ground News as a tool to compare different perspectives on news.

Chapter 1

The Fermi Paradox and Galactic Civilizations

0:00 - 57 sec

The video opens with the Fermi Paradox and the idea of numerous alien civilizations potentially existing in the Milky Way.

The video opens with the Fermi Paradox and the idea of numerous alien civilizations potentially existing in the Milky Way.

  • The video proposes the idea of alien civilizations across the galaxy, yet we have no evidence of their existence.
  • It questions the assumption that advanced technology would make space colonization easy.
  • The possibility that technological advancement does not overcome the inherent difficulties of space is suggested.

Chapter 2

Polynesian Exploration and Space Colonization

0:58 - 1 min, 56 sec

The video draws an analogy between Polynesian island colonization and hypothetical space colonization by aliens.

The video draws an analogy between Polynesian island colonization and hypothetical space colonization by aliens.

  • The challenges of Polynesian navigation are compared to the potential difficulties faced by space-faring civilizations.
  • The video describes the variety of islands in Oceania and their similarities to the diversity of planets in a galaxy.
  • It examines the rise and fall of Polynesian societies and extrapolates this to possible alien civilizations.

Chapter 3

The Hostility of the Universe and Expansion Limitations

2:54 - 2 min, 4 sec

The harsh reality of the universe's planets and the impracticality of colonizing them are highlighted.

The harsh reality of the universe's planets and the impracticality of colonizing them are highlighted.

  • The video describes the inhospitable nature of most planets and the extreme difficulty in terraforming them.
  • It suggests that the economic cost of interstellar travel might be too high given the low quality of target planets.
  • The video postulates that the rarity of good planets may be why we don't see evidence of galaxy-spanning civilizations.

Chapter 4

The Dynamics of Alien Civilizations

4:58 - 4 min, 4 sec

The video theorizes how alien civilizations might form empires, trade, and potentially decline over time.

The video theorizes how alien civilizations might form empires, trade, and potentially decline over time.

  • Alien civilizations might only colonize the best planets, leading to connected but isolated empires similar to Polynesian island cultures.
  • The video discusses how the movement of stars might affect the connectedness of civilizations and leave some, like Earth, isolated.
  • It considers the potential for civilizations to meet, trade, fight, or become different species over time.

Chapter 5

Our Place in the Galactic Ocean

9:02 - 53 sec

The video concludes with musings on humanity's potential future encounters with alien civilizations.

The video concludes with musings on humanity's potential future encounters with alien civilizations.

  • Earth might currently be in an isolated region, but could eventually drift closer to other civilizations.
  • The possibility of diverse civilizations existing in the Milky Way is raised, along with the implications for humanity.
  • The video encourages viewers to consider whether the lack of contact with aliens is positive or negative for humanity.

Chapter 6

Media Bias and the Importance of Perspective

9:55 - 2 min, 24 sec

The video concludes with a discussion on media bias and introduces Ground News as a tool for balanced news consumption.

The video concludes with a discussion on media bias and introduces Ground News as a tool for balanced news consumption.

  • Ground News is presented as a solution to biased media coverage, allowing for comparison of articles on the same topic from different viewpoints.
  • The video emphasizes the importance of understanding multiple perspectives to form a well-rounded view of world events.
  • Ground News is personally recommended by the video's creators as a tool to see the full picture and make informed decisions.

Chapter 7

Kurzgesagt Lab and Science Merchandise

12:19 - 1 min, 18 sec

The video concludes with a promotion of Kurzgesagt's lab-themed science merchandise and posters.

The video concludes with a promotion of Kurzgesagt's lab-themed science merchandise and posters.

  • Viewers are invited to explore the Kurzgesagt lab, where stellar experiments lead to the creation of educational posters.
  • The video showcases the process of creating scientifically accurate and visually appealing merchandise.
  • Purchasing Kurzgesagt products is presented as a way to support the channel and its educational content.

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