This Is Really Happening

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

25 min, 40 sec

The video explores the pervasive influence of the Legacy Media and how it collaborates with powerful entities to control narratives, suppress dissent, and the role of the Trusted News Initiative in these efforts.


  • The video criticizes the Legacy Media for amplifying messages of the powerful while crushing dissent.
  • It details the Trusted News Initiative's role in coordinating powerful media organizations to control narratives.
  • The rise of Independent Media and its impact on public discourse is emphasized, alongside the aggressive attacks it faces.
  • The video discusses the interplay between big pharma, state interests, and media, highlighting the suppression of alternative viewpoints on various issues.
  • The speaker, Russell Brand, shares his personal experiences with media attacks and the broader implications for free speech and information control.

Chapter 1

Legacy Media's Influence and the Trusted News Initiative

0:00 - 1 min, 40 sec

Introduction to Legacy Media's power and the Trusted News Initiative's coordination role in controlling the media narrative and suppressing independent voices.

Introduction to Legacy Media's power and the Trusted News Initiative's coordination role in controlling the media narrative and suppressing independent voices.

  • Legacy Media amplifies messages of the powerful and crushes dissent.
  • The Trusted News Initiative is a global organization that coordinates powerful media entities.
  • Its purpose is to amplify specific stories and suppress dissent as necessary.

Chapter 2

Impact of Independent Media and Attacks on Key Figures

1:40 - 2 min, 33 sec

The impact of Independent Media in questioning mainstream narratives and the targeted attacks on influential individuals within it.

The impact of Independent Media in questioning mainstream narratives and the targeted attacks on influential individuals within it.

  • Independent Media's growing power is shifting narratives on subjects like the pandemic.
  • Significant Independent Media voices have faced ferocious attacks.
  • The speaker addresses attacks on himself and the curious background information.

Chapter 3

Media Propaganda and the Pandemic Vaccination Campaign

4:13 - 40 sec

Examining the media's propaganda campaign during the pandemic to promote vaccination and the subsequent scrutiny of its effectiveness and safety.

Examining the media's propaganda campaign during the pandemic to promote vaccination and the subsequent scrutiny of its effectiveness and safety.

  • The media's campaign to promote vaccination during the pandemic now appears presumptuous.
  • Questions arise about vaccine efficacy, adverse events, and the shaming of the vaccine-hesitant.
  • The campaign's immersive reach and coordination are highlighted.

Chapter 4

Consolidation of Media Control and Suppression of Alternative Information

4:53 - 1 min, 7 sec

The consolidation of media companies leads to a homogenized media space that suppresses alternative information.

The consolidation of media companies leads to a homogenized media space that suppresses alternative information.

  • Media consolidation results in a few companies controlling most media content.
  • This consolidation facilitates coordinated media attacks against alternative information providers.
  • Examples include the mischaracterization of Ivermectin during the pandemic.

Chapter 5

Trusted News Initiative's Role in Media Homogenization

6:00 - 2 min, 33 sec

The Trusted News Initiative partners with major media and tech companies to maintain a single dominant narrative and eliminate competition.

The Trusted News Initiative partners with major media and tech companies to maintain a single dominant narrative and eliminate competition.

  • The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) is a global partnership founded by the BBC to suppress dissent.
  • TNI's extensive reach across media and tech companies allows it to control the narrative on key issues.
  • The initiative's actions have suppressed accurate reporting in favor of their approved narratives.

Chapter 6

Financial Ties Between Big Pharma and Legacy Media

8:33 - 2 min, 18 sec

Exploring the financial connections between big pharma and the Legacy Media, and how these influence reporting and censorship.

Exploring the financial connections between big pharma and the Legacy Media, and how these influence reporting and censorship.

  • Financial relationships between big pharma and Legacy Media are established.
  • These relationships potentially lead to biases in reporting and the suppression of dissent.
  • The example of Joe Rogan's media treatment is used to illustrate this point.

Chapter 7

Personal Experience with Media Attacks and Legacy Media's Objectives

10:51 - 2 min, 14 sec

The speaker's personal experience with media attacks and the broader question of the Legacy Media's true objectives.

The speaker's personal experience with media attacks and the broader question of the Legacy Media's true objectives.

  • The speaker addresses the coordinated attacks he faced a few months ago.
  • Questions are raised about the Legacy Media's interest in feminism and helping vulnerable people versus supporting the powerful.
  • The speaker suggests considering the media's track record and financial incentives to understand its objectives.

Chapter 8

Censorship Laws and the Suppression of Independent Media

13:05 - 2 min, 22 sec

The discussion covers censorship laws globally and their role in suppressing Independent Media and controlling public discourse.

The discussion covers censorship laws globally and their role in suppressing Independent Media and controlling public discourse.

  • Censorship laws are being passed globally to crush Independent Media.
  • Misinformation is used as a pretext to suppress certain types of reporting.
  • The suppression of accurate reporting concerning COVID-19 and US elections is cited.

Chapter 9

Analyzing the Trusted News Initiative's Actions and Suppression Tactics

15:27 - 2 min, 35 sec

A deeper look into the Trusted News Initiative's actions, suppression of legitimate reporting, and the resulting economic self-interest.

A deeper look into the Trusted News Initiative's actions, suppression of legitimate reporting, and the resulting economic self-interest.

  • The TNI suppresses accurate online reporting by non-mainstream news publishers.
  • It targets reporting that challenges its members' narratives, especially on COVID-19 and US politics.
  • The TNI acts under the guise of preserving trust but engages in economic suppression of competition.

Chapter 10

The Future of Information Control and Suppression of Dissent

18:02 - 7 min, 35 sec

The video concludes with reflections on the future of information control, suppression of dissent, and the importance of maintaining independent thought.

The video concludes with reflections on the future of information control, suppression of dissent, and the importance of maintaining independent thought.

  • As censorship increases, so does the power of Legacy Media and the suppression of independent thought.
  • Dissenting voices are being systematically discredited and shut down.
  • The importance of Independent Media in fostering informed and independent populations is emphasized.

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