TikTok Cardiologist Says Oatmeal Bad & Eggs Good, Gets 5 Million Views

Mic the Vegan

Mic the Vegan

15 min, 27 sec

Mike responds to a cardiologist's claims on TikTok regarding the health benefits of eggs, cholesterol, and raw dairy, while discrediting oatmeal.


  • Mike challenges the cardiologist's assertion that eggs and cholesterol are healthy, providing evidence of their links to heart disease and cancer mortality.
  • He disputes the claim that oatmeal is unhealthy, citing its long history of human consumption and numerous studies showing its benefits for heart health and mortality reduction.
  • The video also examines the role of industry-funded studies, particularly in the field of eggs, and potential biases in their outcomes.
  • Mike criticizes the cardiologist's endorsement of raw dairy due to its health risks and saturated fat content.
  • He encourages viewers to examine scientific evidence rather than relying on credentials alone when evaluating health claims.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Response to Cardiologist's Egg Claims

0:00 - 54 sec

Mike introduces the topic and begins responding to a cardiologist's claims about eggs and cholesterol.

Mike introduces the topic and begins responding to a cardiologist's claims about eggs and cholesterol.

  • Mike is responding to a cardiologist on TikTok who claims eggs are very healthy.
  • The cardiologist's video, which gained over a million views, endorses eating raw dairy and eggs for their cholesterol content.
  • Mike criticizes the lack of research cited in the cardiologist's video.

Chapter 2

Eggs, Cholesterol, and Health Risks

0:53 - 2 min, 4 sec

Mike presents studies to refute the cardiologist's positive stance on eggs and cholesterol.

Mike presents studies to refute the cardiologist's positive stance on eggs and cholesterol.

  • Mike references a study on 500,000 people linking egg consumption and cholesterol intake to higher mortality from various diseases.
  • He mentions a study correlating egg yolk years to increased atherosclerosis.
  • The cardiologist's comments suggest he does not consider high cholesterol levels unhealthy, which Mike disputes with research.

Chapter 3

The APO B to A Ratio and Cholesterol

2:57 - 1 min, 38 sec

Mike explains the APO B to A ratio and its significance in relation to cholesterol and heart disease.

Mike explains the APO B to A ratio and its significance in relation to cholesterol and heart disease.

  • Mike discusses APO B and APO A, components of LDL and HDL cholesterol, respectively.
  • He critiques the cardiologist's emphasis on the APO B to A ratio without citing supporting research.
  • A meta-analysis shows that egg consumption increases both APO B and APO A, with APO B increasing at a higher rate, worsening the ratio.

Chapter 4

Oatmeal's Health Benefits and Ancestral Diets

4:35 - 3 min, 34 sec

Mike defends oatmeal against the cardiologist's claims and discusses its historical dietary role.

Mike defends oatmeal against the cardiologist's claims and discusses its historical dietary role.

  • The cardiologist attacks oatmeal, claiming it's not part of the ancestral diet, which Mike challenges.
  • Oats have been part of the human diet for at least 32,000 years.
  • Mike counters the fallacy that natural diets are inherently superior and highlights the health benefits of oatmeal.

Chapter 5

Raw Dairy and Saturated Fats

8:09 - 4 min, 56 sec

Mike addresses the cardiologist's endorsement of raw dairy and discusses the risks associated with saturated fats.

Mike addresses the cardiologist's endorsement of raw dairy and discusses the risks associated with saturated fats.

  • Mike notes the increased infection risk from consuming raw milk and the link between saturated fat and heart disease.
  • He points out the inconsistency in the cardiologist's advice regarding ancestral diets, noting that oats predate dairy consumption.

Chapter 6

The Role of Mainstream Doctors and the Importance of Research

13:05 - 1 min, 6 sec

Mike criticizes the cardiologist's advice on seeking medical practitioners and stresses the importance of evidence-based claims.

Mike criticizes the cardiologist's advice on seeking medical practitioners and stresses the importance of evidence-based claims.

  • The cardiologist suggests avoiding traditional doctors and finding ones that look for the cause of diseases.
  • Mike warns against the potential for such advice to dissuade people from seeing mainstream cardiologists, who can still offer valuable help.

Chapter 7

Conclusion and Call to Action

14:11 - 1 min, 16 sec

Mike concludes by emphasizing the importance of evidence over credentials and invites viewers to share their thoughts.

Mike concludes by emphasizing the importance of evidence over credentials and invites viewers to share their thoughts.

  • Mike reiterates the importance of scientific evidence in evaluating health claims and debunks misinformation about LDL cholesterol and eggs.
  • He praises oatmeal as a healthy dietary choice and asks viewers for their favorite oatmeal toppings.
  • Mike encourages engagement and support from his audience.

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