To Love Is to Be Brave | Kelly Corrigan | TED



11 min, 43 sec

The speaker reflects on the unsung bravery of family life, sharing personal anecdotes and observations from interviews with remarkable individuals.


  • The speaker begins by dedicating the talk to her mother and shares her adventurous past as a young adult.
  • She recounts her experience as a nanny for children who had lost their mother and the everyday acts of bravery she witnessed.
  • Personal struggles with cancer and the challenges faced by others in her life highlight the silent bravery in confronting life's difficulties.
  • The speaker celebrates the unheralded courage found in the intimate moments of family life and the strength required to support loved ones.
  • The ultimate act of bravery, she suggests, is letting go and allowing loved ones to live their lives, while the reward is a full human experience.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Dedication

0:04 - 17 sec

The speaker dedicates the talk to her mother and humorously recounts her mother's confusion about TED.

The speaker dedicates the talk to her mother and humorously recounts her mother's confusion about TED.

  • The talk is dedicated to the speaker's mother.
  • The speaker's mother humorously mistakes TED for a virus.

Chapter 2

Adventurous Youth and Nanny Experience

0:23 - 1 min, 49 sec

The speaker shares her past adventures and the emotional journey as a nanny for children who had lost their mother.

The speaker shares her past adventures and the emotional journey as a nanny for children who had lost their mother.

  • The speaker recalls her youthful adventures, including traveling without a plan or much money.
  • As a nanny, she witnessed the bravery of a widowed father raising his children.

Chapter 3

Personal Struggle with Cancer and Observations of Bravery

2:43 - 45 sec

The speaker discusses her battle with cancer and the unexpected challenges that require true courage.

The speaker discusses her battle with cancer and the unexpected challenges that require true courage.

  • The speaker faced stage-3 cancer and discovered that the real courage was in facing the intimate, personal changes, not the treatment schedule.
  • She reflects on the unpredictable nature of crises and the bravery required to handle them.

Summarizing chapters