Tucker STUNNED As Tulsi Gabbard Revels Who REALLY Runs America

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

27 min, 34 sec

The video discusses the Democratic Party's strategies to suppress independent candidates and third-party challengers, particularly targeting individuals like Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy.


  • The Democratic Party is deploying lawyers to prevent independent candidates from appearing on the ballot, fearing they might siphon votes in swing states.
  • The party's actions are seen as anti-democratic, aiming to ensure a victory for Joe Biden by eliminating alternatives.
  • Criticism is levied against the party for representing billionaire interests and perpetuating wars, rather than being the party of the people.
  • Bobby Kennedy is highlighted as a significant threat to the establishment due to his stances on public health and policy.
  • The video critiques the American political system as oligarchic, where the media and financial elites dictate the narrative and limit voter choice.

Chapter 1

Democratic Party's Legal Warfare on Independents

0:00 - 1 min, 40 sec

The chapter describes the Democratic Party's use of lawyers to challenge independent and third-party candidates, implying a threat to democracy.

The chapter describes the Democratic Party's use of lawyers to challenge independent and third-party candidates, implying a threat to democracy.

  • The Democratic Party is funding legal battles against independent candidates to protect their votes.
  • They fear these candidates, such as Bobby Kennedy and Cornell West, could draw votes away from Democrats.
  • Critics argue that this approach suggests the party is acting more like a dictatorship than a democracy.

Chapter 2

Media Bias and Establishment Mentality

1:40 - 46 sec

The media's portrayal of independent candidates and the establishment's response to their increasing popularity are discussed.

The media's portrayal of independent candidates and the establishment's response to their increasing popularity are discussed.

  • The media and establishment are vilifying independent candidates and avoiding discussions on their policies.
  • Bobby Kennedy's potential candidacy is causing panic within the Democratic Party due to his critique of big pharma and other industries.
  • The chapter highlights how the media is quick to label opponents as threats or conspiracy theorists.

Chapter 3

Influence Behind the White House

2:26 - 43 sec

The discussion involves speculation about who is influencing decisions at the White House, with references to former politicians.

The discussion involves speculation about who is influencing decisions at the White House, with references to former politicians.

  • There's speculation that individuals like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama still wield significant power behind the scenes.
  • The Democratic Party's arming with lawyers to take down independents is seen as a tactic to prevent anyone but Biden from winning.
  • The chapter raises concerns about the true nature of American democracy.

Chapter 4

Bobby Kennedy as a Threat to the Establishment

3:09 - 1 min, 4 sec

Bobby Kennedy's views and the establishment's fear of his influence are examined.

Bobby Kennedy's views and the establishment's fear of his influence are examined.

  • The establishment views Bobby Kennedy as a threat due to his stance on health regulation and criticism of the war machine.
  • Kennedy's opposition to the pharmaceutical industry's corruption is a cause for concern among Democrats.
  • The media's negative framing of Kennedy is criticized, emphasizing the lack of real democracy.

Chapter 5

Suppressing Third-Party Candidates

4:13 - 1 min, 2 sec

The Democratic Party's strategy to suppress third-party candidates by challenging their ballot access is detailed.

The Democratic Party's strategy to suppress third-party candidates by challenging their ballot access is detailed.

  • Democrats are creating legal teams to challenge third-party candidates in key swing states.
  • The party is accused of engaging in anti-democratic tactics to ensure Biden's re-election by limiting voter choice.
  • The chapter emphasizes how the suppression of alternatives contradicts the principles of democracy.

Chapter 6

Manipulating the Electoral System

5:15 - 1 min, 35 sec

The chapter addresses the manipulation of the electoral system and the oligarchic nature of American politics.

The chapter addresses the manipulation of the electoral system and the oligarchic nature of American politics.

  • The Democratic Party is criticized for manipulating the electoral system to favor the financial oligarchy.
  • The system's undemocratic nature is highlighted, with a comparison to ballot access requirements in other countries.
  • The chapter underscores the disparity in political influence between the wealthy elite and the average citizen.

Chapter 7

Bobby Kennedy's Critique of American Healthcare

6:49 - 1 min, 13 sec

Bobby Kennedy's critique of the American healthcare system and its ties to the food industry are explored.

Bobby Kennedy's critique of the American healthcare system and its ties to the food industry are explored.

  • Kennedy criticizes the poor state of American health due to processed foods and harmful chemicals.
  • He links the high rate of chronic diseases in the US to the severity of COVID-19 outcomes.
  • The chapter discusses the potential reasons why the establishment would view Kennedy's critiques as threatening.

Chapter 8

Democratic Party's Campaign Strategy

8:02 - 56 sec

The Democratic Party's campaign strategy, focusing on financial resources and preventing ballot access, is outlined.

The Democratic Party's campaign strategy, focusing on financial resources and preventing ballot access, is outlined.

  • The party is prioritizing fundraising from big donors and suppressing third-party ballot access.
  • Biden's public appearances are mainly with financial oligarchs, not the general public.
  • The chapter sheds light on the Democratic Party's focus on maintaining control rather than engaging with voters.

Chapter 9

Closing Remarks on America's Political Reality

8:58 - 1 min, 41 sec

The video concludes by questioning America's current political reality and its alignment with democratic values.

The video concludes by questioning America's current political reality and its alignment with democratic values.

  • The video questions whether America is already living under a form of dictatorship due to limited electoral choices.
  • The oligarchic control over institutions and elections is highlighted as a significant concern.
  • The chapter calls for viewers to wake up to the controlled nature of the two-party system.

Chapter 10

Support for the Video's Message

10:39 - 17 sec

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to support the movement for truth and freedom.

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to support the movement for truth and freedom.

  • The host encourages viewers to become part of their movement by clicking a link in the video description.
  • A promotion for Field of Greens, a nutritional supplement, is included, with a discount code offered.
  • The chapter emphasizes the importance of supporting sponsors to continue delivering such content.

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