URGENT! We Need To Talk About Fousey!

Roman Atwood Vlogs

Roman Atwood Vlogs

7 min, 47 sec

The video documents a helicopter trip to shoot a video with a friend, including behind-the-scenes footage and special effects setup.


  • The vlogger flies a helicopter up north to shoot a video with a friend, picking up his son Noah on the way.
  • They discuss the fear of flying and the seating capacity of the helicopter.
  • The video includes a planned explosive charge scene using special effects.
  • Following the shoot, they fly back, refuel, and the vlogger reflects on the day's flying experience.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Helicopter Flight

0:00 - 18 sec

The vlogger begins the New Year by flying his helicopter to meet a friend for a video shoot, picking up his son along the way.

The vlogger begins the New Year by flying his helicopter to meet a friend for a video shoot, picking up his son along the way.

  • Vlogger welcomes viewers and reflects on a November trip flying his helicopter north.
  • He mentions picking up his son Noah from a local airport en route to the video shoot location.

Chapter 2

Arrival and Greetings

0:18 - 49 sec

Upon landing, the vlogger greets his friend and his family, who are surprised by the helicopter's arrival.

Upon landing, the vlogger greets his friend and his family, who are surprised by the helicopter's arrival.

  • The vlogger lands the helicopter and greets his friend, who is accompanied by his family.
  • They discuss the friend's initial nervousness about flying in the helicopter.

Chapter 3

Preparation for Video Shoot

1:07 - 53 sec

The team prepares for the video shoot, discussing ideas and the inclusion of a helicopter in the final shot.

The team prepares for the video shoot, discussing ideas and the inclusion of a helicopter in the final shot.

  • The team discusses the video's concept, including the use of the helicopter for the final shot.
  • They talk about the logistics of shooting the video and capturing various angles.

Chapter 4

Behind the Scenes of Video Production

1:59 - 1 min, 43 sec

The vlogger showcases behind-the-scenes moments from the video production, including setting up special effects.

The vlogger showcases behind-the-scenes moments from the video production, including setting up special effects.

  • Behind-the-scenes footage shows the team prepping for the video, including the use of special effects devices.
  • They discuss safety and licensing for the explosive effects used in the video.

Chapter 5

Explosive Scene and Wrap-up

3:42 - 44 sec

The vlogger and team successfully film an explosive scene and celebrate the wrap-up of the shoot.

The vlogger and team successfully film an explosive scene and celebrate the wrap-up of the shoot.

  • The team captures an explosive scene with the vlogger walking away from the blast.
  • They express excitement and satisfaction with the footage they've shot.

Chapter 6

Final Shot with Helicopter

4:26 - 18 sec

The final scene involves Yousef and the vlogger taking off in the helicopter, marking the end of the video shoot.

The final scene involves Yousef and the vlogger taking off in the helicopter, marking the end of the video shoot.

  • The vlogger discusses the significance of using the helicopter in the final shot.
  • The team rigs up cameras on the helicopter and plans the final takeoff scene.

Chapter 7

Helicopter Departure and Landing

4:44 - 1 min, 59 sec

After the final shot, the vlogger flies the helicopter back, refuels, and lands at home.

After the final shot, the vlogger flies the helicopter back, refuels, and lands at home.

  • The helicopter takes off for the final shot and then proceeds to return home.
  • The vlogger refuels the helicopter, commenting on the cost and experience of flying.

Chapter 8

Reflections on the Flight Experience

6:43 - 1 min, 5 sec

The vlogger reflects on the day's flying experience and expresses gratitude for being part of the project.

The vlogger reflects on the day's flying experience and expresses gratitude for being part of the project.

  • The vlogger lands at an unfamiliar airport and enjoys exploring the unique FBO facilities.
  • He shares his thoughts on the flying experience and his most flying in a single day as a pilot.