White clots common
Dr. John Campbell
49 min, 19 sec
A comprehensive study reveals the prevalence of abnormal and potentially lethal blood clots in deceased individuals, with a focus on the association with recent medical interventions.
- Major Tom Haviland, a retired U.S. Air Force Major and data analyst, conducts a detailed study and survey on unusual blood clots found in deceased individuals.
- The study outlines an increase in the appearance of white fibrous clots, microclotting, and traditional grape jelly clots post-2020, potentially correlating with medical interventions.
- Embalmer Richard Hirschman contributes evidence of the clots, which embalmers across the world are reporting in a significant number of corpses, often associated with recent medical interventions.
- Responses from embalmers suggest a temporal correlation with the rollout of medical interventions and the appearance of these clots, although causation is not definitively established.
Chapter 1

John introduces Major Tom Haviland, who provides his expertise on the topic of unusual blood clots found in deceased individuals.
- John welcomes Major Tom Haviland to discuss a critical topic and appreciates the early pictures supplied.
- Tom is introduced as a retired major, engineer, mathematician, data scientist, and analyst, making him well-equipped for the study.

Chapter 2

Tom discusses the emergence of white fibrous clots seen by embalmers, which are unusually tough and elastic.
- Tom presents a vial containing white fibrous clots that have been supplied by embalmers, noting their global occurrence.
- These clots are described as rubbery, stretchable, and similar to calamari in texture.
- The clots have been predominantly observed in the last three years and are collected during embalming from the circulatory system.

Chapter 3

Investigating the clots' origins, embalmers find them at injection sites and theorize they may be composed of amyloid proteins and fibrin.
- The clots are primarily found in the carotid artery and sometimes in the iliac artery, suggesting they form in blood vessels.
- Theories suggest clots may be composed of amyloid proteins and fibrin, potentially resulting from damage to the blood vessels.
- Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole analyzed the clots and identified a combination of amyloid-like proteins, fibrin, and platelets.

Chapter 4

The presence of these unusual clots is significantly impacting the embalming process, lengthening its duration.
- Embalming time has increased from an average of 1-1.5 hours to 2-2.5 hours due to the effort required to remove these clots.
- Some embalmers report needing to create additional injection sites to remove all clots, suggesting extensive vascular blockages.

Chapter 5

Embalmer observations point to the clots forming before death, with indications that they could be a primary cause of death.
- Embalmer reports suggest that the clots form before death, as bodies only an hour or two old already contain these clots.
- The presence of clots in the circulatory system is believed to cause strokes and heart attacks, potentially making them a direct cause of death.

Chapter 6

Tom describes the clots as arterial casts, taking the shape of the blood vessels, which indicates a new pathological condition.
- Some clots appear to be arterial casts, suggesting they had formed within the blood vessels and blocked blood flow completely.
- This phenomenon is a new pathology, as embalmers previously only saw such clots on the venous side, not the arterial.

Chapter 7

Traditional blood clots differ in appearance and consistency from the white fibrous clots, suggesting a novel pathology.
- Traditional blood clots, such as 'grape jelly' and 'chicken fat' clots, are softer and dissolve easily, unlike the tougher white fibrous clots.
- Embalming professionals have long been familiar with traditional clots but have never encountered white fibrous clots before the last three years.

Chapter 8

Various theories are considered for the formation of clots, including the impact of spike proteins and endothelial damage.
- Theories include misreading of modified RNA by ribosomes, leading to aberrant proteins, and the spike protein causing endothelial lining damage.
- The clots could be growing over time, becoming life-threatening, with speculation on the time frame necessary for significant growth.

Chapter 9

Survey results from embalmers worldwide provide evidence of the widespread occurrence of these unusual clots and their increase over time.
- A survey conducted by Tom collected data from embalmers, indicating that a high percentage of corpses contained these unusual clots.
- Embalmer Richard Hirschman provided evidence, including numerous photographs of clots, supporting the survey findings.

Chapter 10

The study highlights changes in embalming practices due to clot prevalence and hints at a possible decline in clot occurrence in 2023.
- The prevalence of clots has necessitated changes in embalming techniques, with embalmers finding clots in new locations and requiring alternate injection points.
- Initial data suggests a possible decrease in the percentage of corpses with white fibrous clots in 2023, which may align with decreased uptake of medical interventions.

Chapter 11

Tom's survey results provide insights into the experiences of embalmers and the potential link between medical interventions and clot formation.
- The survey targeted embalmers with varying levels of experience and frequency of embalming, ensuring a broad and representative sample.
- The survey did not explicitly mention COVID or vaccines, focusing on the embalmers' observations of clot types and frequencies.

Chapter 12

The survey results reveal that unusual clotting is seen across various age groups, with a notable increase in the 36-50 year-old demographic.
- The survey asked embalmers about the age distribution of deceased individuals with clots, revealing an unexpected rise in middle-aged cases.
- Although older age groups still show the highest incidence, the significant findings in younger adults raise concerns about a broader impact.

Chapter 13

Tom advocates for more research and a potential moratorium on mRNA-based shots, given the severity of the clotting phenomena and its implications.
- The findings prompt a call to investigate the safety of mRNA technology and its association with blood clotting disorders.
- A moratorium on further rollout of mRNA-based medical interventions is suggested until more definitive research can be conducted.

Chapter 14

Tom shares his experiences with the suppression of information and the lack of response from regulatory agencies on the clotting issue.
- Tom encounters resistance from some funeral director associations in disseminating his survey, suggesting suppression of information.
- Despite providing detailed findings to the FDA, CDC, and NIH, Tom received no response, indicating a possible reluctance to address the issue.

Chapter 15

Tom concludes by emphasizing the urgency for action and the need for mainstream attention to address the clotting phenomena.
- Tom hopes for mainstream recognition of the issue and for regulatory agencies to take over the investigation.
- The interview ends with a call for platforms and media to give attention to the study's alarming findings.

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