Why daily routines make you poor & fragile [trigger warning]

Alex Hormozi

Alex Hormozi

10 min, 9 sec

The video discusses the impact of character traits, beliefs, and routines on entrepreneurs' business growth, warning against self-imposed limitations and dependencies.


  • The speaker, Oxford Rosie, owner of Acquisition.com, expresses intentions to provide unaltered truths about business growth, which may be controversial.
  • He emphasizes the importance of addressing the constraints and bottlenecks in a business rather than just adding potential to already strong areas.
  • Two main points are highlighted: the detrimental effect of 'I am' statements on personal growth and the dangers of relying on routines or crutches.
  • The speaker encourages entrepreneurs to adopt beliefs and traits that serve their goals and to maintain flexibility and resilience in their routines.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Credentials

0:00 - 17 sec

The video begins with a forewarning about potentially contentious content and Oxford Rosie introduces himself and his company, Acquisition.com.

The video begins with a forewarning about potentially contentious content and Oxford Rosie introduces himself and his company, Acquisition.com.

  • Oxford Rosie warns viewers that the content may be controversial but aims to deliver the raw truth.
  • He introduces himself and his company, Acquisition.com, which earns about $85 million a year.

Chapter 2

Growth Constraints in Business

0:17 - 27 sec

Rosie discusses the Theory of Constraints and how businesses often fail to grow because they don't focus on their primary bottlenecks.

Rosie discusses the Theory of Constraints and how businesses often fail to grow because they don't focus on their primary bottlenecks.

  • He identifies three components of business growth: skills, character traits, and beliefs of the entrepreneur.
  • Businesses tend to add potential without addressing the main constraint, leading to stagnation.

Chapter 3

Dinner with Entrepreneurs

0:44 - 59 sec

An encounter with two entrepreneurs at a dinner prompts Rosie to create the video, focusing on the importance of character traits for growth.

An encounter with two entrepreneurs at a dinner prompts Rosie to create the video, focusing on the importance of character traits for growth.

  • Rosie recounts a dinner with young entrepreneurs whose constraints were immediately evident to him.
  • Their limiting character traits inspired him to address the topic, as it is often less discussed than skills or beliefs.

Chapter 4

Limiting 'I Am' Statements

1:43 - 1 min, 22 sec

The video emphasizes the negative power of 'I am' statements and how they can hinder personal and professional growth.

The video emphasizes the negative power of 'I am' statements and how they can hinder personal and professional growth.

  • Rosie criticizes 'I am' statements, such as 'I am a high-anxiety person,' for their self-limiting nature.
  • He urges viewers to question whether such beliefs serve them and to consider changing their language to reflect tendencies rather than definitive traits.

Chapter 5

Dangers of Crutches and Routines

3:04 - 1 min, 5 sec

The speaker warns against the dangers of becoming overly reliant on routines or substances for productivity and well-being.

The speaker warns against the dangers of becoming overly reliant on routines or substances for productivity and well-being.

  • Rosie highlights the dangers of dependency on routines and substances, referring to them as crutches that weaken individuals.
  • He argues for the importance of flexibility and resilience, suggesting that the ability to adapt and change routines offers more benefits.

Chapter 6

Concluding Advice for Entrepreneurs

4:09 - 5 min, 57 sec

Rosie concludes with advice for entrepreneurs to adopt beneficial beliefs and maintain independence from routines and crutches.

Rosie concludes with advice for entrepreneurs to adopt beneficial beliefs and maintain independence from routines and crutches.

  • He reiterates the importance of speaking beliefs that serve one's goals and avoiding self-imposed limitations.
  • Entrepreneurs should strive to be effective independent of circumstances and avoid creating weaknesses through restrictive beliefs and routines.

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