Why don't subtitles match dubbing?

Tom Scott

Tom Scott

8 min, 26 sec

The video explains the reasons behind the mismatch between subtitles and dubbing in translated content. It delves into the processes of translation, localization, and the nuances involved in maintaining the essence of the original language.


  • The video begins by noting that subtitles and dubbed content often don't match in languages other than the original, which can be frustrating for viewers who use both.
  • Subtitles and dubbing are usually done by different teams, which can lead to discrepancies.
  • The video uses examples to illustrate how translation decisions can impact the final product, such as a NordVPN advert, a joke involving a pun, and a complex rant about a song.
  • The video explains that the modern approach to subtitling is to put every word on the screen, as viewers can pause if needed. However, this wasn't always the case, with older subtitles often summarising what's said.
  • The video discusses the challenge of translating meaning versus words, using a pun about geese as an example. The translators had to come up with their own puns in their respective languages.
  • The video emphasizes that capturing the nuance, meaning, and performance in translations still requires humans, even with the advent of AI translation tools.
  • The video ends with a NordVPN advert that has been translated into five languages, demonstrating the process and considerations involved in translation.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Mismatch Between Subtitles and Dubbing

0:00 - 10 sec

The video introduces the common mismatch between subtitles and dubbed content in translated videos.

The video introduces the common mismatch between subtitles and dubbed content in translated videos.

  • The video has been dubbed and subtitled into several languages.
  • On most devices, YouTube’s settings can be used to switch between different languages.
  • It is noted that in languages other than the original, the words in the subtitles and dubbing often don’t match.

Chapter 2

Reasons for Subtitle-Dubbing Mismatch

0:10 - 1 min, 16 sec

The video explains why subtitles and dubbing often don't match.

The video explains why subtitles and dubbing often don't match.

  • Subtitles and dubbing are usually done by different teams of people.
  • The video uses the example of a NordVPN advert to illustrate how translation decisions can impact the final product.
  • In Hindi, the company name sits in the middle of the sentence, and the dubbing team chose to match lip movements as closely as possible. The subtitling team didn't see any reason to do the same, resulting in different lines.

Chapter 3

Subtitling Limitations and Changes Over Time

1:26 - 1 min, 15 sec

The video discusses the limitations of subtitles and how the approach to subtitling has changed over time.

The video discusses the limitations of subtitles and how the approach to subtitling has changed over time.

  • Subtitles have their own limitations, particularly when translating complex or fast-paced dialogue.
  • The modern approach to subtitling is to put every word on screen, with the understanding that the viewer can pause if needed.
  • This wasn't always the case, with older subtitles often summarizing what's said.

Chapter 4

Translating Meaning vs Words

2:40 - 2 min, 22 sec

The video delves into the challenge of translating meaning versus words, using the example of a pun about geese.

The video delves into the challenge of translating meaning versus words, using the example of a pun about geese.

  • The video presents a pun about geese, which is nearly impossible to translate word-for-word due to its reliance on colloquial English and specific knowledge.
  • Some translators gave up on the joke, while others came up with their own puns in their respective languages.
  • The video highlights the importance of translating meaning and intent, not just words.

Chapter 5

The Need for Human Translators and Lip-Syncing a Goose

5:03 - 34 sec

The video emphasizes the continued need for human translators and presents a humorous example involving a goose.

The video emphasizes the continued need for human translators and presents a humorous example involving a goose.

  • As of 2023, capturing the nuance, meaning, and performance in translations still requires humans.
  • The video presents a humorous example where the translators had to match the honk of a goose, demonstrating the complexities involved in translation.

Chapter 6

Translating Obscure Slang

5:37 - 1 min, 42 sec

The video discusses the challenges of translating obscure slang, using a personal example from the narrator.

The video discusses the challenges of translating obscure slang, using a personal example from the narrator.

  • The video uses the example of the phrase 'have it', shouted by the narrator during a roller coaster ride.
  • The phrase has no literal meaning and is considered obscure slang, presenting a challenge for translators.
  • The video underscores the difficulties faced by translators, who often work with limited context or notes.

Chapter 7

NordVPN Advert Translation

7:20 - 1 min, 1 sec

The video closes with a NordVPN advert translated into five languages, demonstrating the process and considerations involved in translation.

The video closes with a NordVPN advert translated into five languages, demonstrating the process and considerations involved in translation.

  • The video ends with a NordVPN advert that has been translated into five languages.
  • The advert highlights the benefits of NordVPN, such as the ability to pretend your device is in any one of around 60 countries.
  • The advert serves as a practical example of the translation process and the considerations involved in matching the meaning and intent of the original language.

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