Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel | VICE on HBO



12 min, 29 sec

The video explores the profound impact of American Evangelical Christians on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the political landscape in the Middle East.


  • The video explains the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the international support for a two-state solution which remains unachieved.
  • American Evangelicals, who outnumber the Jewish population, form the largest pro-Israeli lobby in the US, significantly influencing foreign aid and political support.
  • The video investigates why Evangelicals are fervent Zionists, linked to biblical prophecies and the anticipation of the end times and the second coming of Christ.
  • Funding from Evangelicals frequently goes to Jewish settlements in Palestinian territories, which complicates the peace process and affects Palestinian lives.
  • The political power of American Evangelicals is used to oppose peace plans like the two-state solution and could be contributing to escalating tensions in the region.

Chapter 1

Overview of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

0:00 - 56 sec

The video opens by providing context about the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the global consensus on a two-state solution.

The video opens by providing context about the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the global consensus on a two-state solution.

  • The conflict has been central to Middle Eastern instability since Israel's establishment in 1948.
  • Despite international support for a two-state solution, a final settlement remains elusive.
  • America's unwavering support for Israel is highlighted, including significant foreign aid, partly due to a powerful pro-Israeli lobby.

Chapter 2

Evangelical Support for Israel

0:55 - 1 min, 21 sec

The video delves into the reasons behind the American Evangelical Christians' strong support for Israel.

The video delves into the reasons behind the American Evangelical Christians' strong support for Israel.

  • American Evangelicals from the Bible Belt are the core of the pro-Israeli lobby's power base, not the Jewish community as often presumed.
  • Evangelical support is rooted in biblical prophecies and the belief that Israel's establishment is a prerequisite for the second coming of Christ.

Chapter 3

Christian Zionist Influence and Activism

2:17 - 2 min, 36 sec

The video examines the Christian Zionist movement and its significant political and financial influence on Israeli policies.

The video examines the Christian Zionist movement and its significant political and financial influence on Israeli policies.

  • Pastor John Hagee's Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is a major pro-Israel lobbying group, even larger than AIPAC.
  • Christian Zionist funds often support Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories, which are considered illegal under international law.
  • American Christian tourists are a significant source of support for Israeli settlements, visiting and donating to the cause during organized tours.

Chapter 4

Biblical Prophecies and End Times Tourism

4:53 - 4 min, 17 sec

The video explores how biblical prophecies of the end times fuel Evangelical tourism and support for Israel.

The video explores how biblical prophecies of the end times fuel Evangelical tourism and support for Israel.

  • The Evangelicals' fervent Zionism is linked to their belief in the Battle of Armageddon, which they believe will take place in Israel.
  • Evangelical tours in Israel focus on sites associated with the apocalypse, including the contested city of Jerusalem.
  • The support for Israel is also motivated by the belief that Jewish control of Israel will hasten the second coming of Christ.

Chapter 5

Consequences of Evangelical Support

9:10 - 3 min, 15 sec

The video highlights the repercussions of Evangelical support for Israel on the peace process and Palestinian lives.

The video highlights the repercussions of Evangelical support for Israel on the peace process and Palestinian lives.

  • Christian support for Israeli settlements opposes the US government's official policy and complicates peace negotiations.
  • Palestinians, including Christians, are adversely affected by the expansion of Israeli settlements, resulting in loss of land and increased tensions.
  • Evangelical actions, based on their interpretation of the Bible, may unintentionally exacerbate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and undermine peace efforts.

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