Why Every YouTuber is Quitting



15 min, 39 sec

The video discusses the recent trend of popular YouTubers retiring, the emotional impact on the creator, and the realities of being a content creator.


  • The creator expresses sadness over several original YouTubers retiring or stepping back from content creation.
  • Specific examples include Dennis Daly focusing on game development, MatPat announcing retirement, and others like CaptainSparklez, DanTDM, and PewDiePie changing their focus.
  • The creator shares personal experiences and the emotional connection with these YouTubers, emphasizing the impact they had during his formative years.
  • Discusses the demanding nature of content creation, the grind, burnout, and the pressure to remain relevant within the YouTube algorithm.
  • Emphasizes that despite the challenges, the creator has no plans to retire soon and recognizes the privilege of being a YouTuber.

Chapter 1

Noticing a Trend of YouTuber Retirements

0:00 - 2 min, 14 sec

The creator observes a trend where many original and beloved YouTubers are retiring or stepping back.

The creator observes a trend where many original and beloved YouTubers are retiring or stepping back.

  • Notices original YouTubers and Roblox creators like Dennis Daly are stepping back from YouTube.
  • Mentions MatPat's retirement announcement and its significant impact on the creator.
  • The creator feels emotional about these retirements, which represent the end of an era.

Chapter 2

Personal Connection to Retiring YouTubers

2:13 - 2 min, 28 sec

The creator shares a personal connection and inspiration drawn from YouTubers like MatPat and Game Theory.

The creator shares a personal connection and inspiration drawn from YouTubers like MatPat and Game Theory.

  • The creator reminisces about watching these YouTubers during high school and their influence on him.
  • Reflects on how these figures have grown, some becoming parents, and how it reminds him of the passage of time.
  • The creator is moved by the realization that the content creators who shaped his youth are moving on to new life stages.

Chapter 3

The Reality of Being a YouTuber

4:41 - 4 min, 59 sec

The creator speaks on the demanding lifestyle of being a YouTuber and the burnout it can cause.

The creator speaks on the demanding lifestyle of being a YouTuber and the burnout it can cause.

  • Describes the exhausting daily grind of content creation and the mental and physical toll it took on him.
  • Highlights the relentless nature of content creation, driven by the need to remain relevant in the YouTube algorithm.
  • Acknowledges improvements in his work-life balance since expanding his team but recognizes the widespread burnout among creators.

Chapter 4

The Pressure to Maintain Relevance

9:41 - 1 min, 41 sec

The creator discusses the pressure of staying relevant and the impact of stepping back from YouTube.

The creator discusses the pressure of staying relevant and the impact of stepping back from YouTube.

  • Explains that taking a break from YouTube is risky as it can lead to losing relevance and disappearing from the public eye.
  • Many YouTubers are compelled to continue producing content to maintain their status and not let down their audience.
  • Acknowledges the sense of responsibility content creators feel towards their viewers.

Chapter 5

YouTuber Retirement and Its Emotional Impact

11:21 - 3 min, 26 sec

The creator reflects on the emotional impact of witnessing YouTuber retirements and contemplates his own future.

The creator reflects on the emotional impact of witnessing YouTuber retirements and contemplates his own future.

  • Expresses his feelings about the inevitability of having to retire one day and the sadness that accompanies this thought.
  • Considers the broader implications of aging, both personally and for his audience, and the changing landscape of YouTube.
  • The creator emphasizes the significance of these retirements and how they mark the transition to a new era.

Chapter 6

Closing Thoughts on Content Creation and Growing Older

14:48 - 50 sec

The creator concludes with thoughts on the challenges of content creation and the bittersweet reality of growing older.

The creator concludes with thoughts on the challenges of content creation and the bittersweet reality of growing older.

  • Reiterates the hard work and constant effort required to be a successful content creator.
  • Shares a personal perspective on getting older and the emotional weight of seeing others age, including his audience.
  • Thanks viewers for their support and acknowledges the impact of influential YouTubers like MatPat on his life.