Why I'm Leaving...



16 min, 17 sec

Chris, in a candid bathroom vlog, shares personal updates including moving for love, partnering with a skincare brand, and embracing natural beauty.


  • Chris introduces herself and explains she's temporarily in a Texas bathroom, planning to share updates while doing a 'get ready with me'.
  • She reveals her decision to move to the United States for her boyfriend, Caleb, and the associated excitement and fears.
  • Chris discusses partnering with a new skincare brand, Oneup, emphasizing its simplicity and effectiveness for all genders.
  • She touches on the pressures of beauty standards and her personal journey toward embracing natural beauty and simplified routines.
  • Chris hints at future content, including vlogs about her move, and invites viewers to suggest podcast names and hair color ideas.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Unusual Setting

0:00 - 19 sec

Chris welcomes viewers from a temporary bathroom in Texas and hints at the forthcoming life updates.

Chris welcomes viewers from a temporary bathroom in Texas and hints at the forthcoming life updates.

  • Chris greets viewers, acknowledges the unusual location, and sets the stage for a personal update session.

Chapter 2

Skincare Routine Begins

0:46 - 14 sec

Starting the skincare routine, Chris discusses being influenced by TikTok to try new products.

Starting the skincare routine, Chris discusses being influenced by TikTok to try new products.

  • Chris begins her skincare routine by applying Anua Heartleaf toner, a product she discovered on TikTok.

Chapter 3

Big Move Announcement

1:28 - 17 sec

Chris makes a surprising announcement about moving and her relationship.

Chris makes a surprising announcement about moving and her relationship.

  • She reveals her plans to move to the United States to be with her boyfriend Caleb.

Chapter 4

Simplified Skincare with Oneup

1:50 - 58 sec

Chris introduces viewers to Oneup, a simplified skincare product she's endorsing.

Chris introduces viewers to Oneup, a simplified skincare product she's endorsing.

  • Chris shares her experience with Oneup, a multi-purpose skincare product, and offers a discount code to her viewers.

Chapter 5

Makeup Routine and Natural Beauty

4:33 - 1 min, 31 sec

Chris discusses her makeup routine and the importance of embracing natural beauty.

Chris discusses her makeup routine and the importance of embracing natural beauty.

  • While continuing her makeup routine, Chris talks about breaking beauty standards and being comfortable with natural beauty.

Chapter 6

Emotional Ties and Moving Challenges

6:09 - 17 sec

Chris opens up about the difficulties of moving away from her close-knit family.

Chris opens up about the difficulties of moving away from her close-knit family.

  • She expresses her strong bond with her family and the challenge of moving away from them.

Chapter 7

New Life Chapters and Content Plans

8:10 - 1 min, 10 sec

Chris shares her excitement for new life chapters and hints at future content directions.

Chris shares her excitement for new life chapters and hints at future content directions.

  • Chris is thrilled about moving in with Caleb, starting a new chapter in her life, and hints at possible vlogs and a podcast channel.

Chapter 8

Final Touches and Parting Thoughts

10:00 - 6 min, 14 sec

Chris concludes her makeup, reflects on societal beauty pressures, and bids farewell.

Chris concludes her makeup, reflects on societal beauty pressures, and bids farewell.

  • As she finishes her makeup, Chris talks about societal beauty pressures and encourages viewers to embrace their natural selves.