Why ULTRA HIGH Frequency Training Might Be Best For Building Muscle
Renaissance Periodization
26 min, 52 sec
An in-depth discussion about the benefits and practical implementation of high frequency training.
- High frequency training, defined as hitting a muscle group three or more times a week, can potentially lead to greater muscle growth and more efficient workouts.
- Training muscles with high frequency allows for more weekly volume without excessive fatigue, leveraging muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and recovery rates.
- A variety of set and rep ranges should be used across sessions to prevent joint strain and optimize muscle recovery.
- Empirical evidence and theoretical models suggest that muscles can benefit from upwards of 20 to 30 sets per week when frequency is distributed effectively.
- It's important to auto-regulate based on fatigue, joint health, and individual recovery when experimenting with high frequency training.
Chapter 1
Dr. Mike Israetel introduces the concept of high frequency training for optimal muscle recovery and growth.
- Dr. Mike Israetel from Renaissance Periodization discusses the potential of high frequency training to maximize muscle recovery and genetic potential.
- The discussion begins with the introduction of the guest, Menno Henselmans, who holds opposing views on training frequency.
Chapter 2
Menno Henselmans explains the advantages of high frequency training based on research and historical practices.
- Menno popularized the idea that research supports higher frequency muscle training, contrary to the once-a-week belief.
- Historically, natural bodybuilders engaged in full-body workouts, with the shift to training splits occurring around the 1950s.
- Studies trend toward favoring higher frequencies, especially when not controlling for volume.
Chapter 3
Menno Henselmans presents empirical evidence and theoretical reasons supporting high frequency training.
- High frequency training allows for greater weekly volume due to less accumulated fatigue per session.
- The muscle growth response after a workout correlates with long-term muscle growth, suggesting benefits to frequent stimulation.
- Research findings are mixed but trending towards no significant difference in growth when volume is equated, with some studies suggesting higher frequencies might be superior.
Chapter 4
Examining the relationship between volume and training frequency.
- A study without volume control showed a trend favoring higher frequency due to increased volume.
- Splitting workouts across days leads to more total reps and weight lifted.
- The fatigue management across sessions enables higher total training volumes.
Chapter 5

Advantages of high frequency training include time efficiency and practicality.
- High frequency training is time-efficient, with the potential for full-body workouts that last only 30 to 45 minutes.
- Exercise pairing and reduced fatigue per workout make daily training feasible and practical.

Chapter 6

Dr. Mike Israetel offers his insights on the application of high frequency training.
- Dr. Mike suggests that recovery can be optimized through higher frequency training, allowing for increased total weekly volume.
- He notes that equated set studies on frequency may underestimate the full potential of high frequency training.
- Training more frequently than once a week is encouraged to test muscle growth responses.

Chapter 7
Discussion on the common issues faced when implementing high frequency training.
- The importance of varying rep ranges and exercises to avoid joint strain is emphasized.
- Potential injury risks from increased frequency are identified, with advice on how to manage and avoid them.
- It's crucial to listen to the body's signals and adjust training accordingly to prevent overtraining and injury.
Summarizing chapters