Will dissent in DC make a difference in Israel's war on Gaza? | The Stream

Al Jazeera English

Al Jazeera English

25 min, 8 sec

The video discusses dissent within the US over the Biden Administration's policy towards Gaza, featuring resignations and differing viewpoints on how to effect change.


  • Resignations within the US State Department highlight internal conflict over arms sales to Israel and its impact on Palestine.
  • Discussions focus on the influence of American values, resignations as a form of protest, and the role of dissident veterans in shaping public opinion.
  • The video explores the Biden Administration's response to the situation in Gaza, including the effects of lobbying groups like APAC and Christian Zionism on US policy.
  • The lack of attendance at a White House iftar dinner reflects Muslim community's disapproval of US actions in Gaza.
  • Speakers encourage public display of support for a ceasefire and call upon government insiders to prepare accountability measures in anticipation of policy changes.

Chapter 1

Growing Dissent Over US Policy on Gaza

0:01 - 1 min, 13 sec

Resignations and internal pressures signal growing dissent within the US regarding policy on Gaza.

Resignations and internal pressures signal growing dissent within the US regarding policy on Gaza.

  • High-profile resignations within the US State Department have occurred due to disagreements on arms sales to Israel.
  • Dissent is also evident among various US government officials who have resigned in protest.
  • Pressure mounts on the Biden Administration both internally and externally, with concerns that American values are being contradicted.

Chapter 2

Resignations and the Call for Courage

1:13 - 1 min, 4 sec

The significance of resignations and the need for courage among government officials are discussed.

The significance of resignations and the need for courage among government officials are discussed.

  • Resignations from high-profile figures are emphasized as acts of courage and powerful statements against current policies.
  • The panel highlights the importance of having more government officials show courage and take a stand.

Chapter 3

Role of Dissident Veterans

2:17 - 1 min, 30 sec

The panel discusses the critical role played by dissident veterans in shaping public opinion and policy.

The panel discusses the critical role played by dissident veterans in shaping public opinion and policy.

  • Veterans' experiences and dissenting voices are harder to dismiss and play a key role in anti-war activism.
  • Comparisons are made to past conflicts like the Vietnam War, highlighting the importance of continued activism.

Chapter 4

Political Influence and Unpopular Foreign Policies

3:46 - 2 min, 30 sec

The discussion addresses the impact of political influence and previous unpopular US foreign policies.

The discussion addresses the impact of political influence and previous unpopular US foreign policies.

  • The panel reflects on America's history of controversial foreign policy decisions and the unique levels of dissent currently observed.
  • Dissent comes in various forms, and both internal and external pressures are necessary to bring about change.

Chapter 5

Anonymous Dissidents and Federal Employees

6:16 - 1 min, 17 sec

An anonymous group of dissident US federal employees expresses opposition to US support for Israel's actions in Gaza.

An anonymous group of dissident US federal employees expresses opposition to US support for Israel's actions in Gaza.

  • Feds United for Peace, an anonymous group, voices concerns over domestic and international law violations by the US due to its policy on Israel and Gaza.
  • The group emphasizes the need for a change in the unconditional support historically provided to Israel.

Chapter 6

Bipartisan Support for Israel and Generational Shift

7:33 - 2 min, 8 sec

The panel discusses the generational shift in attitudes towards bipartisan support for Israel and the influence of social media.

The panel discusses the generational shift in attitudes towards bipartisan support for Israel and the influence of social media.

  • Young people's differing views, influenced by social media, may contribute to a shift in long-standing bipartisan support for Israel.
  • The panelists express hope that public pressure, both from within the administration and externally, will lead to policy changes.

Chapter 7

Impact of Christian Zionism and Lobbying

9:41 - 2 min, 25 sec

The role of Christian Zionism and lobbying groups like APAC in shaping US policy towards Israel is examined.

The role of Christian Zionism and lobbying groups like APAC in shaping US policy towards Israel is examined.

  • Christian Zionism and its significant voting bloc are discussed as powerful influencers of unconditional US support for Israel.
  • APAC's influence on politicians and policy is scrutinized, with concerns raised about the focus on lobbying over the will of voters.

Chapter 8

Biden's Stance on Gaza and Voter Disapproval

12:06 - 2 min, 31 sec

Despite voter disapproval, President Biden's actions towards Gaza remain controversial.

Despite voter disapproval, President Biden's actions towards Gaza remain controversial.

  • A majority of US voters disapprove of Israel's actions in Gaza, yet President Biden approved further military aid.
  • The administration seems to be ignoring the views of the majority and the growing public pressure for a ceasefire.

Chapter 9

Muslim Community's Response to White House Iftar

14:37 - 6 min, 20 sec

The Muslim community's boycott of the White House iftar signifies discontent with the Biden Administration's policy.

The Muslim community's boycott of the White House iftar signifies discontent with the Biden Administration's policy.

  • The absence of attendees at the White House iftar dinner represents the Muslim community's protest against US actions in Gaza.
  • The event is symbolic of the broader Muslim community's dissatisfaction and the need for substantive policy change.

Chapter 10

Final Thoughts on US Involvement and Dissent

20:57 - 4 min, 8 sec

The panelists offer their final thoughts on the need for sustained activism and the potential consequences of continued US involvement.

The panelists offer their final thoughts on the need for sustained activism and the potential consequences of continued US involvement.

  • The panelists call for ongoing public and governmental pressure to advocate for a ceasefire and policy change regarding Gaza.
  • There is concern over the potential for US military involvement in the region escalating due to the Biden Administration's current approach.

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