Women WILL NEVER Ask... But WANT You to Do It!

alpha m.

alpha m.

10 min, 24 sec

The video addresses the desires women have but typically won't communicate to their partners, offering advice on how men can be more attentive and appealing.


  • The speaker discusses the contradiction where women want men to be expressive but often don't communicate their own desires.
  • Men are encouraged to maintain their physical appearance by staying fit and dressing well, as women find this attractive but might not explicitly say so.
  • Compliments and physical affection are highlighted as key desires, with an emphasis on unsolicited compliments being more impactful.
  • The speaker underscores the importance of not flirting with others, being ambitious, and taking care of one's facial appearance using skincare products like retinol.
  • The video promotes a skincare product, the retinol stick from Tiege Hanley, and includes an offer for a free skincare system with a purchase.

Chapter 1

The Irony of Communication

0:00 - 24 sec

The speaker begins by discussing the irony of women's expectations for men to be expressive.

The speaker begins by discussing the irony of women's expectations for men to be expressive.

  • Women want men to be vulnerable and expressive but often don't communicate their own wishes.
  • The speaker reveals a list of things women desire from men but typically won't articulate.

Chapter 2

Physical Attractiveness and Fitness

0:24 - 1 min, 6 sec

The speaker emphasizes the importance of men maintaining their physique and dressing well.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of men maintaining their physique and dressing well.

  • Women are attracted to men who take care of their bodies and dress in a presentable manner.
  • Despite women not saying it out loud, they prefer a partner who is not overweight and dresses sharply.

Chapter 3

Compliments and Physical Affection

1:30 - 46 sec

The speaker advises men on the significance of giving unsolicited compliments and being physically affectionate.

The speaker advises men on the significance of giving unsolicited compliments and being physically affectionate.

  • Women appreciate compliments that are given without them asking for validation.
  • Physical affection, such as grabbing and complimenting her body, is desired by women.

Chapter 4

Facial Care and Retinol Stick Promotion

2:16 - 2 min, 29 sec

The section addresses the necessity of skincare and promotes a specific retinol product.

The section addresses the necessity of skincare and promotes a specific retinol product.

  • Women spend time on their facial care and want their partners to do the same.
  • A detailed explanation of the benefits of the retinol stick from Tiege Hanley and how to use it is provided.
  • The offer includes a free level one Tiege Hanley skincare system with the purchase of a retinol stick.

Chapter 5

Ambition and Self-Improvement

4:45 - 1 min, 32 sec

The speaker stresses the need for men to be ambitious and strive for self-improvement.

The speaker stresses the need for men to be ambitious and strive for self-improvement.

  • Women are attracted to men who are motivated and have personal drive.
  • Men are encouraged to be supportive partners and to constantly seek self-improvement.

Chapter 6

Household Contribution and Planning

6:17 - 2 min, 48 sec

Men are encouraged to help with household chores and take the initiative in planning.

Men are encouraged to help with household chores and take the initiative in planning.

  • Women value men who contribute to household tasks without being asked.
  • Taking charge of planning dates or events is an attractive quality that women appreciate.

Chapter 7

Sexual Openness and Desire

9:05 - 1 min, 17 sec

The speaker discusses the importance of fostering an open sexual relationship and fulfilling desires.

The speaker discusses the importance of fostering an open sexual relationship and fulfilling desires.

  • Men should encourage their partners to express their sexual desires and fantasies.
  • Being attentive and proactive in the bedroom leads to a more satisfied and adventurous sexual relationship.

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